[Scilab-users] Put an image as the background of an axis

Jan Åge Langeland j-lan at online.no
Tue Feb 9 22:54:32 CET 2016

On 09.02.2016 20:27, Samuel Gougeon wrote:
> You may use the z coordinate of your flat curves to manage overlays, 
> as in:
> clf
> x  =  linspace(0,20,200);
> plot(x,sin(x))
> e  =  gce();
> c  =  e.children;
> // Example with a local image. The image is from 
> https://atoms.scilab.org/atoms.png
> //xstring(0,-1,"$\scalebox{1}{\includegraphics{atoms.png}}$")
> // Example with a remote image under http:// (http*s*: not accepted)
> xstring(0,-1,"$\scalebox{1}{\includegraphics{http://www.cnrs.fr/fr/z-tools/newune/themes/CNRSTheme/images/logocnrs.png}}$")
> c.data(:,3)  =  0.1;  // <<<==== HERE
> c.thickness  =  2;You may then tune the scalebox factor. Actually, like with an 
> uicontrol(style="image"), the imported image is inlaid and is not 
> resized accordingly with the embedding graphical figure. HTH Samuel 
> Gougeon

Thank you  for sharing these very good methods. It opens a lot of new 

The way I want to use images in figure I  find it better to modify your 
script with newaxis() before plotting. This makes the picture stay  
while zooming for instance:

g=get("current_figure"); g.figure_size=[345,575]; b=newaxes(); b.filled 
= "off"; x  =  linspace(0,20,200);

By the way it would have been interesting to see an example with 
uicontrol(style="image")  that you mention. I could never get that right.

Jan Å

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