[Scilab-users] ?==?utf-8?q? uicontrol style layer

Antoine Monmayrant amonmayr at laas.fr
Fri Feb 12 11:03:35 CET 2016

Le Vendredi 12 Février 2016 09:21 CET, Philipp Mühlmann <p.muehlmann at gmail.com> a écrit: 
> Can anyone please explain in more detail - than given in the help - the
> purpose of the uicontrol layer-style?
> How would one use this?
> Could one put several layer one over each other?

Short answer: I don't think so.

Longer answer: I found some info on the layers in the unit tests:

function layer = create_layer(count)
    c = get(0);c.usedeprecatedskin = "off"
    f = figure("dockable", "off" ,"infobar_visible", "off", "toolbar_visible", "off", "menubar_visible", "off", "layout", "border")
    f.figure_size = [300, 300];

    layer = uicontrol(f, "style", "layer", "constraints", createConstraints("border", "center"));

    for i = 1:count
        fr1 = uicontrol(layer, "style", "frame");
        fr1.layout_options = createLayoutOptions("border", [10, 10]);
        fr1.layout = "border";
        uicontrol(fr1, "string", "button " + string(i) + "1", "constraints", createConstraints("border", "top"));
        uicontrol(fr1, "string", "button " + string(i) + "2", "constraints", createConstraints("border", "left"));
        uicontrol(fr1, "string", "button " + string(i) + "3", "constraints", createConstraints("border", "center"));
        uicontrol(fr1, "string", "button " + string(i) + "4", "constraints", createConstraints("border", "bottom"));
        uicontrol(fr1, "string", "button " + string(i) + "5", "constraints", createConstraints("border", "right"));

What you can do with this function:


ll.value=1; //figure shows the 4 buttons you put in the 1st layer
ll.value=2; // now figure shows the 4 buttons you put in the 2nd layer
ll.value=3; // now figure shows the 4 buttons you put in the 3rd layer

This is how I understand the usage of such layer uicontrol: use a layer for each user interface you want (like one with a graph taking up all the figure size, one with parameter boxes, one with loading data infos, ...) then use the layer.value=i to show quickly the ith bit of the interface you want.
 If I'm correct, this is just like a tab uicontrol, minus the tab at the top!


> Example:
> 1st layer:    Image
> 2nd layer:   plot of a function?
> result:  plot over an Background Image
> BR
> Philipp
> -- 
> There we have the salad.

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