[Scilab-users] Accessing the nth output of a function

Jan Åge Langeland j-lan at online.no
Mon Jan 11 00:05:15 CET 2016

It may not solve your problem, but in Scilab 6 you can at least access 
the nth element of the first output argument.

--> function c=a(b)
   > c(1)=b
   > c(2)=b^2
   > c(3)= b^3
   > endfunction

--> a(2)(2)
  ans  =    4.

Another solution could be like it is done in size(), where an extra 
input argument can be used to point at the correct output argument:

d  =
     1.    2.    3.
     4.    5.    6.
--> size(d)
  ans  =    2.    3.
--> size(d,1)
  ans  =    2.
--> size(d,2)
  ans  =    3.


On 10.01.2016 16:52, animeshbaranawal wrote:
> I have a function which has variable output arguments (using varargout). Now,
> I want to access the nth output argument of the function. It is assured that
> the function generates more than n output arguments.
> Is there a method in scilab to do this?
> Animesh

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