[Scilab-users] global constant definition for module

CHEZE David 227480 david.cheze at cea.fr
Mon Mar 7 09:04:51 CET 2016

De : users [mailto:users-bounces at lists.scilab.org] De la part de Serge Steer
Envoyé : samedi 5 mars 2016 21:10

Le 05/03/2016 00:00, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
Le 04/03/2016 23:33, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
Le 02/03/2016 12:24, David Chèze a écrit :

Hi all,

I would like to define a variable in a user module in such a way that this

constant would be available for all functions (also out of the module) as a

"hidden(you don't need to see it inbrowsvar), protected (should not be

possible to clear it, even with clearglobal )" global variable as soon the

module is loaded: do you have suggestions how to do it within scilab?

There is still no actual solution to protect variables against clear.
Actually, there are one or two solutions :

  1.   Set and store your constants in a TCL session (the main one or a slave), and recall them from it. Data in TCL sessions are not cleared by clear() nor by clearglobal(). This is what i use in drivers published on the fileexchange to set/get "persistent" communication parameters with devices.
  2.  May be the same could be possible with java objects? I have never tried.
  3.  Another solution is to use the userdata field of the default figure. The default figure (gdf()) is not clearable. But then all your graphic windows will embed your constants in their .userdata. So it is preferable not to have MBytes of constantes ;) And to set a struct() in userdata. This is a rather bad hacking.
May be there are other solutions. Let's free your imagination :)
Yes there is at least another one :-; : use the user_data field of an unvisible graphic window




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