[Scilab-users] Axis break with Scilab ?

Dang Ngoc Chan, Christophe Christophe.Dang at sidel.com
Fri Nov 25 17:13:06 CET 2016


So, I spotted one error,
and I now understand the arect parameter for xsetech().

The following code is somewhat better:
at least the x-axes are well placed at the bottom.
Unfortunatelly, the y-axis is still misplaced.

function []=break_axis(X, Y, minbreakX, maxbreakX, breaksize)
    // draw the curve in two separated intervals
    // [min(X) ; minbreakX] and [maxbreakX ; max(X)]
    // X is a sorted vector of reals
    // Y is a vector of reals of the same size as X
    // breaksize is the width of the break expressed as a fraction of one
    // defining the subwindows
    bool1 = (X <= minbreakX);
    bool2 = (X >= maxbreakX);
    sizeX1 = minbreakX - X(1);
    sizeX2 = X($) - maxbreakX;
    invfullsizeX = 1/((1 + breaksize)*(sizeX1 + sizeX2));
    minY1 = min(Y(bool1)); maxY1 = max(Y(bool1));
    sizeY1 = maxY1 - minY1;
    minY2 = min(Y(bool2)); maxY2 = max(Y(bool2));
    sizeY2 = maxY2 - minY2;
    maxY = max(Y); minY = min(Y);
    invfullsizeY = 1/(maxY - minY);
    rect_for_xsetech1 = [0, 1 - maxY1*invfullsizeY,...
        sizeX1*invfullsizeX, sizeY1*invfullsizeY];
    rect_for_xsetech2 = [sizeX1*invfullsizeX + breaksize,...
       1 - maxY2*invfullsizeY, sizeX2*invfullsizeX, sizeY2*invfullsizeY];
    arectvalue = 1/8;
    [Yi, Ya, npY] = graduate(min(Y), max(Y));
    [X1i, X1a, npX1] = graduate(X(1), max(X(bool1)));
    rectX1 = [X1i, Yi, X1a, Ya];
    Xtics1 = linspace(X1i, X1a, npX1);
    [X2i, X2a, npX2] = graduate(min(X(bool2)), X($));
    rect2 = [X2i, Yi, X2a, Ya];
    Xtics2 = linspace(X2i, X2a, npX2);
    // drawing the left part :
    if maxY1 == maxY then
        arectYvector = [arectvalue, 0]
        arectYvector = [0, arectvalue]
    arectvector = [arectvalue, 0, arectYvector];
    xsetech(rect_for_xsetech1, arect = arectvector);
    plot(X(bool1), Y(bool1));
    axis1 = gca();
    axis1.axes_visible=["off", "off", "off"];
    drawaxis(x=Xtics1, y=minY - sizeY1*arectYvector(1), dir="u", tics="v");
    // drawing the right part :
    if maxY2 == maxY then
        arectYvector = [arectvalue, 0]
        arectYvector = [ 0, arectvalue]
    arectvector = [0, arectvalue, arectYvector];
    xsetech(rect_for_xsetech2, arect = arectvector);
    plot(X(bool2), Y(bool2));
    axis2 = gca();
    axis2.axes_visible=["off", "off", "off"];
    drawaxis(x=Xtics2, y=minY - sizeY2*arectYvector(1), dir="u", tics="v");
    // drawing the Y axis
    xsetech([0, 0, 1, 1], arect = arectvalue*[1, 1, 1, 1]);
    Ytics = linspace(Yi, Ya, npY);
    Yticscoord = Ytics./(Ya - Yi);
    Yticslabels = string(Ytics);
    finalaxisY = drawaxis(x=0, y=Yticscoord, dir="l", tics="v");

// test program

Y = X.^2;
break_axis(X, Y, 3, 5, 0.1);

Christophe Dang Ngoc Chan
Mechanical calculation engineer

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