[Scilab-users] xsetetch and xgetetch incompatible definitions of "frect"

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Sat Nov 26 16:14:07 CET 2016

Le 26/11/2016 08:52, Antoine Monmayrant a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Following my questions about axis breaks, I started playing with "xsetech" and "xgetech" that didn't know previously.

They are so badly named in computo-frenglish...
"x" for X-term = graphical (bitmap addressable) terminal for the linux world
"set|get" : ok, at least we know what we want to do and it's rather clear
"ech" : i guess that this stands for "échelle" that means "scale" in french.
Better expected names: setaxesArea(), getaxesArea(), or all in lower case.
or even much better:

  * extending subplot() to replace xsetech() (actually to make it a
    private internal function, already used by subplot)
  * abandonning xgetech(), because it does nothing more than returning
    with useless order constrains
      o wrect = gca().axes_bounds,
      o frect = gca().data_bounds,
      o logflags = gca().log_flags,
      o and somewhat arect = gca().margins

> Two issues:
> 1) the help pages are missing description of most of the parameters,
Parameters description is not missing. It is just written for developers 
that are not users ;):
Format and datatype of the parameter, that's all. No need to know what 
it represents. Any such need?
I am jocking, but by the way most of pages are written in this way. Most 
of pages need a full overhaul by advanced users.
As a contributor, you are welcome, most likely because you know how much 
time you loose because of a poor documentation, vs how much time you 
would save + using a good doc - contributing to write it.

> 2) the two functions are apparently not using the same definition of frect:
I don't see that, for instance using the examples. Could you please 
provide a clear example setting parameters with xsetech() and reading 
them back from xgetech(), that would not match? Thanks!


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