[Scilab-users] ?==?utf-8?q? Scilab checkerboard plot (grayplot)

Antoine Monmayrant antoine.monmayrant at laas.fr
Fri Apr 21 13:25:49 CEST 2017

Le Vendredi, Avril 21, 2017 11:19 CEST, Ekin Akoglu <ekinakoglu at gmail.com> a écrit: 
> Dear all,
> I am producing a checkerboard plot with Scilab and the plot seems 
> erroneously colored. The matrix I plot is attached as well as the 
> scripts to plot and the plot produced by Scilab.
> The problem is that the data at matrix(1,3) and matrix(1,4) are equal, 
> however, on the plot produced by Scilab it is represented by different 
> colors (plants vs det. feeders and plants vs carnivores on the plot). 
> Let me remind you that the plot is transposed form of the matrix.
> I would appreciate any help on the matter.
> Kind regards,
> Ekin

The default behavior for grayplot is to paint a given pixel (a given square) with the color corresponding to its four corners.
See: "help data_mapping"
 You can either change the data_mapping after calling grayplot or use Matplot.
However, you'll have to rescale your data so that it ranges from 1 to nc where nc is the number of colors in your color_map.
See my modified function below.
Does it solve your problem?



function myMTIplot(data)

[nrows ncols] = size(data);

data = [zeros(1,ncols); data; zeros(1,ncols)];
data = [zeros(1,nrows+2)' data zeros(1,nrows+2)'];

[nrows ncols] = size(data);

figure1 = scf();
a = newaxes();

colorbar(-1, 1);
grayplot(1:nrows, 1:ncols, data);

figure1.color_map = jetcolormap(32);

a.y_label.text = "Impacted Group";
a.y_label.font_size = 4;
a.x_label.text = "Impacting Group";
a.x_label.font_size = 4;
a.title.text = "Relative MTI";
a.title.font_size = 5;
a.font_size = 4;
a.data_bounds = [1, 6, 1, 6];

a.x_ticks = tlist(["ticks", "locations", "labels"], (1.5:1:5.5), ["Plants", "Bacteria", "Det. Feeders", "Carnivores", "Detritus"]);
a.y_ticks = tlist(["ticks", "locations", "labels"], (1.5:1:5.5), ["Plants", "Bacteria", "Det. Feeders", "Carnivores", "Detritus"]);

//new version without interpolation
// we rescale the data so that is goes from 1 to 32
figure2 = scf();
a = newaxes();

colorbar(-1, 1);
grayplot(1:nrows, 1:ncols, dat);
e=gce();e.data_mapping="direct";//no interpolation

figure2.color_map = jetcolormap(32);

a.y_label.text = "Impacted Group";
a.y_label.font_size = 4;
a.x_label.text = "Impacting Group";
a.x_label.font_size = 4;
a.title.text = "Relative MTI";
a.title.font_size = 5;
a.font_size = 4;
a.data_bounds = [1, 6, 1, 6];

a.x_ticks = tlist(["ticks", "locations", "labels"], (1.5:1:5.5), ["Plants", "Bacteria", "Det. Feeders", "Carnivores", "Detritus"]);
a.y_ticks = tlist(["ticks", "locations", "labels"], (1.5:1:5.5), ["Plants", "Bacteria", "Det. Feeders", "Carnivores", "Detritus"]);


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