[Scilab-users] scilab 6.0.0: xcos block with type 5 function

Robin Farine robin.farine at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 11:15:33 CEST 2017


I am trying to define a custom Xcos block implemented using a Scilab
simulation function (type 5). The block has matrix parameters that I am
trying to store in "model.opar". Whenever I start the simulation, I get the
following error:

     Initialisation problem:
     scicosim: Wrong type for element #1 of element #15
     of argument #4 : A matrix expected.

Interestingly, if I change the simulation function to a native
implementation (type 4), the simulation runs flawlessly.

To illustrate the problem, I added "TBX_OPAR.sci" (see below) to the Xcos
skeleton toolbox.

Any idea?


function [x, y, typ] = TBX_OPAR(job, arg1, arg2)
    x = []; y = []; typ = [];
    select job
    case "set" then
        x = arg1;
        model = arg1.model;
        graphics = arg1.graphics;
        exprs = graphics.exprs;
        while %t do
            [ok, sim, mat, exprs] = scicos_getvalue(..
            "Set no-operation parameters",..
            ["(0=C, 1=Scilab)"; "Matrix (n*2)"],..
            list("vec", 1, "mat", [-1 2]), exprs);
            if ~ok then
            end //user cancel modification

            if size(mat)(2) > 1 then
                model.opar = list(double(mat));
                x.graphics = graphics;
                x.model = model;
                if sim == 0 then
                    model.sim = list("tbx_block_noop", 4);
                    graphics.style = [..
                        "blockWithLabel;displayedLabel=""NOOP C"""];
                    model.sim = list("TBX_NOOP_sim", 5);
                    graphics.style = [..
                        "blockWithLabel;displayedLabel=""NOOP Scilab"""];
                graphics.exprs = exprs;
                x.graphics = graphics;
                x.model = model;
                message("Matrix requires at least 2 rows.");
    case "define" then
        model = scicos_model();
        model.sim = list("tbx_block_noop", 4);
        model.evtin = 1;
        model.blocktype = "d";
        model.dep_ut = [%f %f];
        model.in = 1;
        model.intyp = 1;
        model.out = 1;
        model.outtyp = 1;
        exprs = ["0"; "[0 0; 0.5 1; 1 0]"];
        gr_i = [];
        x = standard_define([3 2], model, exprs, gr_i);
        x.graphics.style = ["blockWithLabel;displayedLabel=""NOOP C"""];

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