[Scilab-users] Scilab 6.0 C++ API // Crashes due to function calls via overloading mechanism

Dirk Reusch lists at kybdr.de
Thu Feb 23 10:57:40 CET 2017


Using the precompiled "scilab-branch-6.0-1487071837" under Linux 64bit,
I am experiencing crashes "Segmentation fault (core dumped)".

I am trying to use the new C++ API to implement operations like
addition for an user-defined type, lets say "T". 

To reproduce the crashes, I have stripped everything down to the
following minimal example:

1. Implementation of addition operation for Type "T" using C++ API:

types::Function::ReturnValue sci_T_a_T(types::typed_list &in, int
_iRetCount, types::typed_list &out) { try
		return types::Function::OK_NoResult;
	catch(std::exception& e)
		return types::Function::Error;
	return types::Function::OK_NoResult;

2. Compile "sci_T_a_T" and map it to "%T_a_T" Scilab function

3. Use "%T_a_T" directly => OK

%T_a_T(A,B) // OK

4. Use "%T_a_T" via overloading mechanism of "+" operator => Crash

A+B // => Crashes Scilab (Segmentation fault (core dumped))


So, it seems that using "try-catch" is a problem, when the function is
called via Scilab's overloading mechanism!?

What am I doing wrong, or is it a bug of Scilab?

Please note, that avoiding "try-catch" is not really an option for me,
because I have to use C++ functions from a library with error reporting
via exceptions.

Thanks for any advice and further insight,


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