[Scilab-users] Setting ticks_format

Viktor Goryainov al_exquemelin at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 4 15:00:48 CET 2017


Using the GUIbuilder package I created a graphic window for my 
application and added a pair of axes to it, like this:

handles.ax_screen= newaxes();
handles.ax_screen.margins = [ 0 0 0 0];
handles.ax_screen.auto_margins = 'on';
handles.ax_screen.ticks_format = ["%.3e","%.3e"];
handles.ax_screen.axes_bounds = [0.45,0.0355556,0.527451,0.7911111];

The help page states that "for example ticks_format="%.2e" will print 
ticks positions in using scientific notation with two decimals". But if 
I try to plot something, say,

X = -10:0.1:10;
plot(X, X.^5);

then the max value at the y axis will still read 100000, not 1e5. So, 
what am I doing wrong?

Best regards,

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