[Scilab-users] lcm() output type: how to avoid overflowing and get an actual result?

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Wed Mar 15 18:09:25 CET 2017

Le 15/03/2017 à 17:04, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
> Hello,
> Processing the bughttp://bugzilla.scilab.org/15017  for the lcm() function
> deserves an open discussion about the datatype of the result when the operand
> is a matrix of encoded integers.
> Presently, the result of lcm(A) has the type of A:
> --> r = lcm(int16([123 423])), typeof(r)
>   r  =
>    17343
>   ans  =
>   int16
> --> r = lcm(uint8([123 423])), typeof(r)
>   r  =
>    61
>   ans  =
>   uint8
> This behavior is questionable, in the way that the Least Common Multiple of some
> integers is always equal or*most often greater*  than the maximum of the operand.
> Therefore, when the operand is a matrix of encoded integers, the LCM can easily
> (and most often) yield an overflow, and so yield a wrapped result, being most often
> unrelevant and misleading:
> Example:
> --> A = int8([2 3 5 7]);
> --> lcm(A)
>   ans  =
>   -46        // 210 expected
> --> typeof(lcm(A))
>   ans  =
>   int8
> So we see that even with few and small input values, as expected the result is already
> "corrupted".
> This bad effect does not happens with gcd() because its results is always
> *smaller or equal*  to the maximum of the operand components.
> Octave behaves in the same bad way than Scilab, just saturating to the highest
> integer value instead of wrapping it, but in both cases the result is wrong:
> >> A = int8([2 3 5 7]);
> >> lcm(A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4))
> ans = 127
> So, the question is:*Do we improve the situation, and if we do, in which way?*
> Here are some suggestions:
> * The result is always promoted to the next class of inttype:
>    int8 => int16, uint8 => uint16, int16 => int32, etc
>    int64 and uint64 could be promoted into decimal numbers, but with a possible
>    loss of accuracy (but beyond 2^63)
> * The result is always promoted to the most accurate (int64 or) uint64 class
> * The result is always promoted to the decimal (aka floating point) class
> My (slight) preference would be*to cast the result always into the decimal class*. Why?
>   - the type of the result would be always the same: decimal
>   - it would be OK and lossless for all int8, uint8, int16, and uint16 operands,
>     and for all int32, uint32, int64, uint64 smaller than 2^26
>     OK, we could loose some low bits when processing some big 32 or 64 bits integers,
>     but at least we would have a result ; otherwise, casting to uint64 could still
>     lead to some overflow, so no actual result at all.
>   - Usual +,-,*,/,^ operators between an int# or uint# and a decimal number forces
>     the result to the encoded integer type. So this choice would let any further
>     operations recasting the lcm() result into the original inttype (instead of
>     promoting all further results in an unexpected way).
> What's your opinion? What would you prefer working with?

Another solution could be to implement an /outputType/ option for lcm(),
in order to let the user choosing the expected behavior, with the 
following possible values:
"asInput", "decimal", explicit inttype, "best", ...
But with which default value? :)

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