[Scilab-users] Scilab 6 problem with "Prettify"

Claus Futtrup cfuttrup at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 21:15:40 CEST 2017

Hi Samuel, et al. (I write this response just for completeness)

I loaded the Prettify code that generated an error (the default_options 
code) into my Programming Editor, which has a HEX editor function. I 
walked through all chars in the code to see if there was any peculiar 
ASCii code. There was not. The lowest ASCii char in the code was 20 
(i.e. a space) and the highest was 7A (i.e. a z). This means every byte 
in the code is (and has always been) within the normal ASCii chars.

P.S. The editor I use is TSE (The Semware Editor) Pro 4.20, see 
https://www.semware.com/ for details.

Best regards,

On 08-09-2017 16:46, Claus Futtrup wrote:
> Hi Samuel
> Good points with the "rich" text. I don't know how to locate these.
> If Scinotes / Scilab 6.0 is sensitive to this, could it maybe include 
> a "cleaner" for such stuff?
> Best regards,
> Claus
> On 08-09-2017 00:25, Samuel Gougeon wrote:
>> Le 07/09/2017 à 23:14, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
>>> Le 06/09/2017 à 21:33, Claus Futtrup a écrit :
>>>> Hi there
>>>> I've started to use the prettify functions by Pierre Vuillemin. So 
>>>> far so good in Scilab 5.5
>>>> Now I've started to look into Scilab 6 (not least because graphics 
>>>> is much faster), but I get a weird error.
>>>> If I start Scilab, first time I execute the code, I get an "Invalid 
>>>> buffer." message.
>>>> Second time I execute the code then I get a bad message:
>>>> --> exec('C:\Users\claus\Documents\Scilab54\z3mfit.sce', -1)
>>>> at line    93 of executed file 
>>>> C:\Users\claus\Documents\Scilab54\z3mfit.sce
>>>>                             'labels_font_size'  ,  3,...
>>>>                             ^^
>>>> Error: syntax error, unexpected "'", expecting "," or )
>>>> When I run my script, the first thing my code does - it clears all 
>>>> variables, all graphics and clears console, so it's not "old" stuff 
>>>> from previous run that is the problem. Or ???
>>>> The "line 93" is part of the default options in Prettify, where it 
>>>> says labels_font_size. It looks like this:
>>>> default_options  =  struct('title_font_size'    ,   4,...
>>>>                           'labels_font_size'   ,   3,...
>>>>                           'thicks_font_size'   ,   2,...
>>>>                           'num_format'         ,   '',...
>>>>                           'leg_font_size'      ,   3,...
>>>>                           'line_thickness'     ,   2,...
>>>>                           'xstring_font_size'  ,   2)
>>> Weird errors sometimes occur after copying/pasting some code from a 
>>> rich text formated document to Scinotes or the console. Some usual 
>>> characters like the space or quotes may have some special encoding 
>>> in formated text, and keep it in Scinotes, but are not aknowledged 
>>> by the parser.
>>> The last time i got this situation, it was about spaces that looked 
>>> like spaces, but that were not ascii(32). To avoid this, i pasted 
>>> the text in a raw text unformated .txt file before copying/pasting 
>>> in Scinotes.
>> If you have copied/pasted some code directly from the web (like 
>> Pierre's Github page), it could be a source of encoding bugs: Web 
>> pages often use unbreakable spaces (  in HTML). I am pretty sure 
>> that Scilab's parser doesn't like them.
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