[Scilab-users] Polarplot help

philippe rouxph.22 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 20 16:21:13 CET 2018


Le 20/01/2018 à 11:08, Claus Futtrup a écrit :
> How can I rotate the labels of the polarplot so that zero is up the
> y-axis instead of out the x-axis? Alternatively, how can I disable the
> labels?

look at the Axis handle, the labels of a polar plot are additional
children  of "Text" . Try this example :

t = 0:0.01:2*%pi;
polarplot(t, -1 + sin(t));
A=gca()  // get the axis handle
A.children//  look at all its children
//The labels are those of "Text" type
id=find(A.children.type="Text" )// get their id
//then modify the properties of the handles
A.children(id).visible="off" // no labels
A.children(id).visible="on" // all labels
A.children(id).text="mylabel" // change labels
for k=id


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