[Scilab-users] Sockets in scilab 6.0

James Holland j_holland at msn.com
Thu Jul 12 21:33:26 CEST 2018

The tcl script that I'm running is below. It always returns datareadyflag =
-1 even though it should stay in the loop until there is data to collect.

#declare variables
set outStr "*IDN?"
set dataReadyFlag 1
set tclDataReceived "noData"

#open a connection

set tclsocket1 [socket "" 3000]

fconfigure $tclsocket1 -blocking 0 -translation binary

#send a command

puts $tclsocket1 $outStr

flush $tclsocket1

after 100

#get a response

while {dataReadyFlag>=0} {
	set $dataReadyFlag [gets $tclsocket1 tclDataReceived]
	puts "tclDataReceived $tclDataReceived"

#output to console
puts "dataReadyFlag $dataReadyFlag"
puts "done" 

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