[Scilab-users] Counter of pointers to an XML object, and clear destructor

Rafael Guerra jrafaelbguerra at hotmail.com
Sat Jul 28 22:21:35 CEST 2018

Regarding the save() function, the output *.sod file fails to be consumed by load() for some graphical handles.
Example of error message in Scilab 6.0.1:
      load: Unable to load 'h'.

--> typeof(h)
ans  =  handle

--> h
h  =
Handle of type "uicontrol" with properties:
Parent: Figure
Children: []
Style = "listbox"
BackgroundColor = [-1,-1,-1]
Callback = ""
Callback_Type = -1
Constraints = "NoLayoutConstraint"
Enable = "on"
FontAngle = "normal"
FontName = "Tahoma"
FontSize = 12
FontUnits = "points"
FontWeight = "bold"
ForegroundColor = [-1,-1,-1]
ListboxTop = 0
Margins = [0,0,0,0]
Max = 1
Min = 0
Position = [0,0,500,850]
Relief = "default"
String = string 14x3
Tag = ""
TooltipString = ""
Units = "pixels"
Userdata = []
Value = []
Visible = "on"

Any tips/workaround to save/load Scilab sessions in a clean way (even if compromising graphical entities)?


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