[Scilab-users] function and vectorization

Carrico, Paul paul.carrico at esterline.com
Wed Nov 7 12:35:34 CET 2018

Dear All

Most of the time I've no issue in mixing functions and vectorization, but here I don't know why it does not work - one can see that using a vector I, the loop is called only ounce and I do not understand why?

I've spent hours in such case  showing I'm not fully at ease with it :-) :-)

Any explanation?

Thanks for your support



function [Scar_P]=Scalar_product(C, N, M) // Scalar product
    Scar_P = (M(1) - C(1))*(N(1) - C(1)) + (M(2) - C(2))*(N(2) - C(2));
    printf("C = (%g,%g)\n",C(1),C(2)); printf("N = (%g,%g)\n",N(1),N(2)); printf("M = (%g,%g)\n",M(1),M(2));

n = 10;

C = rand(n,2);
M = rand(n,2);
N = rand(n,5);

Scal = zeros(n); Scal2 = Scal

printf(" ****************\n");
i = 1 : n;
Scal(i) = Scalar_product(C(i,:),N(i,1:2)',M(i,:))

printf("\n ****************\n");

for i = 1 : n
    Scal2(i) = Scalar_product(C(i,:),N(i,1:2)',M(i,:));

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