[Scilab-users] Solving generalized eigenvalue in scilab: spec()?

antoine.monmayrant at laas.fr antoine.monmayrant at laas.fr
Fri Sep 7 16:40:19 CEST 2018


I need to solve a generalized eigenvalue problem, but I am not sure I am 
trying to use the right scilab function for that.
Here is my generalized eigenvalue problem:
     // Sb and Sw are matrices and I want to find the eigenvectors w and 
eigenvalues lambda
Is "[alpha,beta,R] = spec(Sb,Sw)" the function I am supposed to call?
I tried my best at understanding the spec() help page, but I am too far 
away from my area of expertise.
If someone more knowledgeable than me can tell me whether I am on the 
right track or not and how to interpret [alpha,beta,R, I'll be more than 




  Antoine Monmayrant LAAS - CNRS
  7 avenue du Colonel Roche
  BP 54200
  31031 TOULOUSE Cedex 4

  Tel:+33 5 61 33 64 59
  email : antoine.monmayrant at laas.fr
  permanent email : antoine.monmayrant at polytechnique.org


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