[Scilab-users] xload vs load

antoine.monmayrant at laas.fr antoine.monmayrant at laas.fr
Fri Sep 14 10:22:29 CEST 2018

Hi all,

am I the only one to experience that xload is completely broken an can 
be replaced by load?
I am trying to reload slightly complex figures (that is with more than 
one plot per figure) and xload is almost always failing in some way.
For example, one of my figure as 3 plots and I can see all three while 
the graphic window is being populated, but in the end, the first subplot 
sometimes disappears (it's not visible="off", it's gone).
Anyone has experienced something similar?
If I can find a way to get this to reproducible, I'll try to fill in a 
bug report...



  Antoine Monmayrant LAAS - CNRS
  7 avenue du Colonel Roche
  BP 54200
  31031 TOULOUSE Cedex 4

  Tel:+33 5 61 33 64 59
  email : antoine.monmayrant at laas.fr
  permanent email : antoine.monmayrant at polytechnique.org


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