[Scilab-users] Mingw Compiler error, Xcos model compiler Error

Niedermaier.Holger Holger.Niedermaier at ESTW.DE
Mon Jan 14 08:27:54 CET 2019

Unfortunately it seems that nobody got an idea how to solve the issue.
Or it remains unanswered because of the X-mas holidays?
Therefor again my question. Maybe someone can help?

Dear all,
it's maybe an easy problem but I myself aren't able to solve it.
I installed MinGw compiler via ATOMOS and, as described in the help text, the windows 64 bit interface module afterwards, using the link given.
After restart my computer and running Scilab I got a huge number of messages like the following
Mingw Compiler support for Scilab
                Load macros
Converting Libraries.
Build libblasplus.a
Conversion failed libblasplus.a
Build liblibf2c.a
Conversion failed liblibf2c.a
Build libcore.a
Conversion failed libcore.a
Build libcore_f.a
I've absolute no idea how to handle it.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance

Erlanger Stadtwerke AG
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats:
Oberbuergermeister Dr. Florian Janik
Wolfgang Geus (Vorsitzender),
Matthias Exner,
Frank Oneseit
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