[Scilab-users] Pushbutton exporting the plot to graphic file

Izabela Wójcik-Grząba iwoj at il.pw.edu.pl
Fri Mar 1 17:48:33 CET 2019


I am still fighting with my figure with plot inside about which I wrote 

I deleted the frame in which there was a plot so now I can export it to 
a graphic file. In the left frame with checkboxes I added a pushbutton. 
I wanted to use it to export current view of the plot (as I can change 
the visibility of its elements with the checkboxes). I added a callback 
function for the pushbutton as below:

function [n_ex]=eksport(n_ex)

The plan was to add a number to a file name. The number would increase 
with every export so I could produce different pictures from the plot. A 
variable n_ex is initialized with zero outside the callback function. 
Unfortunately something is wrong here because when I use the pushbutton 
I get a prompt: "Undefined variable: n_ex".
The whole definition of the figure and plot is inside a function - maybe 
it's also an important information.

Any idea would be appreciated.

Kind regards,

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