[Scilab-users] SciNetCDF toolbox on Darwin/OSX?

gilles gilles.delaygue at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Wed May 29 11:35:19 CEST 2019

Dear all, has anyone successfully compiled the scinetcdf toolbox on a
Darwin/OSX machine?
I'm running Scilab 6.0.2 on a MBP with Mojave, facing some problems with
Atoms (does not run), and trying to install the Scinetcdf toolbox manually.
I'm following the explanations given in a previous post (*) by one
maintainer (Ekin Akoglu), in order to compile the toolbox, since binaries
are only provided for Linux and Windows distribs.
I've adapted the package for OSX with some success, but i'm clueless with
the last error message. I guess the problem lies with some library path but
i cannot find which one is faulty.
All the bets -gilles


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