[Scilab-users] CLR design component is not clear in scilab 6.0.2 x64 W10

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Sat Nov 9 22:12:14 CET 2019

Le 31/10/2019 à 00:15, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
> .../...
> It would be /v//ery/ hard (and easily prone to errors, due to many 
> specific cases, using parentheses, etc) to parse the input to detect 
> all possible cases (1-char symbols, multiple-char symbols, literal 
> numbers with or without exponential notations, real or complex, etc) 
> and adapt the multiplication symbol accordingly.

Actually, the detection of multiple cases is doable. There are not so many.

Here is the list of tested cases, with an arbitrary number of spaces 
before and after *:

1.23* 3.32    x
1.23* -3.32   x  
var* -1.23    x
)* -1.23      x  
var * 1.23      cdot
var* var       cdot
)* 1.23        cdot
All other cases => small space \, , noticeably:
1.23* (-3.32  	\,
1.23* var      \,
var* (...      \,
)* var         \,
)*(           \,

When a literal number ends with a point, like "3.", it still works, as 
with "3".

Unless there are some final remarks, i will push this on review on the 
forge for the
CLR, DLR, EXPRESSION and scifunc_block_m blocks interfaces.



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