[Scilab-users] example of library

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Mon Nov 25 22:06:47 CET 2019

Dear Federico,

I am not sure that this users@ list in the prefered one to talk about 
technical details to contribute to Scilab development. dev@ should 
rather be targeted for this. Please do not hesitate to subscribe also to 
this other list (if not yet done).
For the time being, and my last answer here, i reply in the body of your 

Le 17/11/2019 à 23:29, Federico Miyara a écrit :
> Samuel,
> Would you please give me some extra hints?
> I'm quite serious about starting to contribute corrections and 
> improvements to some help pages, the only area where I feel confident 
> that I can put my two cents for the time being (besides just detecting 
> bugs).
> I've been able to login, I arrive at this page:
> https://codereview.scilab.org/#/q/status:open

Excellent! Now we can view your id in the list of possible reviewers :-)

> There are many open subjects, of course none of them matches the bug 
> I've filed earlier:

About fixing and improving the documentation: I use to open and feed on 
a quite regular way a commit titled something like "/[doc] Misc. fixes, 
typos and small improvements/".
When you posted your messages, the last bag was just merged (after being 
fed and pending for more than 8 months)
(click on "merged" on the top left of the portal, and then on my name in 
the "Owner" column).

You can freely contribute to feed this commit.
To add a editable file to the commit list of files :

  * push the "Edit" button
  * then click on "add"
  * in the input field: start typing the beginning of the filename you
    want to edit: you will see a proposed short list of the first
    matches of your input. Add some characters up to find the right file
    in the list:
  * Open the file. Update its content. Save and quit the file.
  * Then in the list, you will see the file.
  * Quit the edit mode
  * Click on the file: the changes that you have made are highlighted.

This simple procedure is OK only for small changes, or wider changes 
that you have validated on your local computer (by properly compiling 
heavily changed pages).
In addition, it can't be used to add binary files (like images, etc).

If you want more information, please get in touch with me or with 
Stéphane in private (as he already answered). You may also get in touch 
with Stanislav K, who uses to contribute via the CodeReview interface 
for the Russian version of pages.

If you prefer having your own dedicated "bag of help miscellanities", we 
can also open it for you.

Best regards

PS : To locate a feature in a file among all Scilab sources file:

  * Source files must be downloaded, preferably from the master version
    of Scilab. GIT does it in an handy way, but you can also do it by hand.
  * You need to use a local editor. If you work on Windows: Notepad++ is
    an excellent choice, with its XML add-on. It is able to search a
    feature in all files (or selected ones according to some extension
    filter like *.xml *.sci etc) in a given directory and all its

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