[Scilab-users] ?= GUI hel

Claus Futtrup cfuttrup at gmail.com
Fri Nov 29 19:54:05 CET 2019

Hi Stéphane

 >In "ge_fs=ge_fs" the lhs is a local copy and the rhs the variable in 
the calling context.

I figured something like this was going on, but I don't find it logical. 
I read this as follows: The ge_r is a global handle, for which the 
function doesn't have write access. When you assign it to a local 
variable (it can be the same name, or a new name, I suppose), then 
suddenly this opens up for writing to it (so you can set the 
properties). Strange. I don't think even a hardcore programmer can find 
this to be "pretty code" ... it looks like a hack / a workaround to me.

I read your response just as - this is another way to do it - but which 
way do you personally prefer? ... and why? (maybe execution speed? ... 
or is there a benefit in flexibility that I cannot see?).

Best regards,

On 29.11.2019 19:21, Stéphane Mottelet wrote:
> Le 29/11/2019 à 19:17, Claus Futtrup a écrit :
>> Hi Stéphane
>> Hm, you're right. This actually fixes the problem, but I do find it 
>> to be a strange "solution" that you write each of them to be equal 
>> with itself ... I prefer calling the set() function.
> In "ge_fs=ge_fs" the lhs is a local copy and the rhs the variable in 
> the calling context.
>> Cheers,
>> Claus
>> On 29.11.2019 19:05, Stéphane Mottelet wrote:
>>> To makeit work, just insert
>>> ge_r=ge_r;
>>> ge_fs=ge_fs;
>>> ge_hz=ge_hz;
>>> at the begining of function calc.
>>> My two cents...
>>> S.
>>> Le 29/11/2019 à 18:58, Claus Futtrup a écrit :
>>>> Hi Antoine
>>>> >Not much progress because I never managed to get a minimal working example
>>>> I can repeat my example again and again. It never works. Please see 
>>>> it below.
>>>> Do you agree. This consistently fails if you run it from Scinotes 
>>>> editor ... but if I copy e.g. ge_r.visible = "on" to the command 
>>>> line (not from within the calc function), then it shows up.
>>>> /Claus
>>>> //
>>>> // Demo of how _NOT_ to build a simple GUI in Scilab.
>>>> // Initialize variables
>>>> m  =  1;  // Moving mass 'm'(kilogram)
>>>> k  =  1;  // Stiffness, spring constant 'k'(Newton per meter)
>>>> fres  =  1;  // Resonance frequency (Hertz)
>>>> function  calc()
>>>>      m  =  evstr(get(ge_m,"string"));  // get content in uicontrol ge_m
>>>>      k  =  evstr(get(ge_k,"string"));  // get content in uicontrol ge_k
>>>>      fres=sqrt(k/m)/(2*%pi);
>>>>      // putting GUI updates inside the calculation routine is not pretty 
>>>> code.
>>>>      ge_r.visible  =  "on";
>>>>      ge_fs.visible  =  "on";        // THIS DOESN'T WORK
>>>>      ge_hz.visible  =  "on";
>>>> // set(ge_r,"Visible","on"); // THIS WORKS
>>>> // set(ge_fs,"Visible","on");
>>>> // set(ge_hz,"Visible","on");
>>>>      // update global variables
>>>>      [m,k,fres]=return(m,k,fres);
>>>> endfunction
>>>> function  goodbye()
>>>>      close(ge);  // Close GUI window
>>>>      printf("Resulting fres: %f Hertz\n",fres);
>>>>      abort  // Print result in console (e.g. for copy/paste), then kill the app
>>>> endfunction
>>>> ge  =  scf();  // GUI Example, Initialize and 'set current figure'
>>>> as  =  ge.axes_size;  // read size of window, as = [width height]
>>>> ge.figure_name  =  "GUI Example";  // Change window header
>>>> uicontrol("style","text","string","Moving mass :","position",  ..
>>>>            [10  as(2)-35  80  20],"background",[1  1  1]);  // white background
>>>>            // position properties has four parameters = x,y,width,height
>>>>            // y-position counts from lower left corner, so we subtract from 'as'
>>>> ge_m  =  uicontrol("style","edit","string",string(m),  ..
>>>>            "position",[100  as(2)-35  80  20]);
>>>> uicontrol("style","text","string","kg ","position",  ..
>>>>            [200  as(2)-35  30  20],"background",[1  1  1]);
>>>> uicontrol("style","text","string","Stiffness :","position",  ..
>>>>            [10  as(2)-60  80  20],"background",[1  1  1]);
>>>> ge_k  =  uicontrol("style","edit","string",string(k),  ..
>>>>            "position",[100  as(2)-60  80  20]);
>>>> uicontrol("style","text","string","N/m ","position",  ..
>>>>            [200  as(2)-60  30  20],"background",[1  1  1]);
>>>> uicontrol("style","pushbutton","string","Calculate",  ..
>>>>            "position",[10  as(2)-85  80  20],"callback","calc");
>>>> ge_r  =  uicontrol("style","text","string","Result :","position",  ..
>>>>            [10  as(2)-110  80  20],"visible","off");  // keep these hidden for a start
>>>> ge_fs  =  uicontrol("style","text","string",string(fres),  ..
>>>>            "position",[100  as(2)-110  80  20],"visible","off");
>>>> ge_hz  =  uicontrol("style","text","string","Hz ","position",  ..
>>>>            [200  as(2)-110  30  20],"visible","off");
>>>> uicontrol("style","pushbutton","string","Exit",  ..
>>>>            "position",[10  as(2)-135  80  20],"callback","goodbye");
>>>> On 29.11.2019 10:20, Antoine Monmayrant wrote:
>>>>> Le Jeudi, Novembre 28, 2019 19:40 CET, Claus Futtrup<cfuttrup at gmail.com>  a écrit:
>>>>>> Hi Antoine
>>>>>> Also, you should better use get(a, 'propertyName') or set(a, 'propertyName', value) instead of a.propertyName and a.propertyName=value in your callbacks.
>>>>>> I see what you mean. I just now had trouble turning visibility on/off,
>>>>>> but using set(), it works fine. Thanks for the tip.
>>>>> It's something quite weird, maybe a race condition.
>>>>> I've seen it when using 'a.prop' or 'a.prop=value' syntax in either a callback function or in a for loop.
>>>>> When you repeatedly use this syntax, scilab tends to forget that 'a' exists and that it's a handle with different properties.
>>>>> The initial bug report is here:http://bugzilla.scilab.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15786
>>>>> Not much progress because I never managed to get a minimal working example (it's an Heisenbug).
>>>>> Antoine
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Claus
>>>>>> On 28.11.2019 17:47, Antoine Monmayrant wrote:
>>>>>>> Le Jeudi, Novembre 28, 2019 17:05 CET, Claus Futtrup<cfuttrup at gmail.com>  a écrit:
>>>>>>>> Hi Antoine, et al.
>>>>>>>> Your reply is very helpful, so I think you got the right question :-)
>>>>>>>> 1) Good point that I can use callback on every uicontrol. This would be
>>>>>>>> suitable for a simple example (like gui_example.sce) ... but for heavy
>>>>>>>> calculations, it might be more practical with a CALC button. P.S. The
>>>>>>>> correct equation for the resonance frequency is fres=sqrt(k/m)/(2*%pi);
>>>>>>> You are right.
>>>>>>> Also, the trick to disable the callback function/ reenable it is key for sliders that tend to generate an avalanche of call to the function when one moves the cursor.
>>>>>>>> 2) I see what you mean, so not having an empty space, but "show" the
>>>>>>>> whole she-bang from the beginning. I didn't want to do that (just
>>>>>>>> deleting the IF-statement), but it could be the best solution in the end
>>>>>>>> (rather than the inline GUI updates), if nothing better shows up. This
>>>>>>>> was somehow the "core" of my question. Maybe I ask for too much.
>>>>>>> I think you can achieve what you want by setting ".visible='off'" for all the uicontrols you don't want to show initialy. You can then set  ".visible='on'" after the first call to the callback (or at each call if you are lazy).
>>>>>>>> 3) I will look into this. Thanks for the tip.
>>>>>>> Also, you should better use get(a, 'propertyName') or set(a, 'propertyName', value) instead of a.propertyName and a.propertyName=value in your callbacks.
>>>>>>> I have found that this latter syntax is causing a lot of bug if your callback get called really often. I still don't know why.
>>>>>>>> 4) I will also look into this. My problem is the steep learning curve.
>>>>>>>> If you look at the Scilab tutorials you have the good-old Openeering
>>>>>>>> LHY_Tutorial - it's incredibly complicated and long. Is LHY_Tutorial
>>>>>>>> using the Model-Viewer-Controller approach? - Maybe the
>>>>>>>> Model-Viewer-Controller could be presented in a _simple_ tutorial - is
>>>>>>>> it possible?
>>>>>>> Hmm, that would be a good idea.
>>>>>>> I'll see whether I can put something together.
>>>>>>> The thing is, MVC approach looks rather silly and overengineered on a small example.
>>>>>>>> I appreciate gui_example.sce with just about 70 lines of code, two
>>>>>>>> inputs and one output. I think something like it could help a lot of
>>>>>>>> people ... and it's not 250 lines of code to get a GUI up and running,
>>>>>>>> if you know what I mean. The gui_example shows a few differences, like
>>>>>>>> white versus grey background, editable boxes, etc. In the outputs,
>>>>>>>> because of the default grey background, you can see the dimensions of
>>>>>>>> the grid / text-boxes, and gui_example has two buttons. It looks
>>>>>>>> operational and easy to expand for new users.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Claus
>>>>>>>> On 28.11.2019 08:57, Antoine Monmayrant wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hello Claus,
>>>>>>>>> I've been playing a bit with GUIs for teaching, so maybe I can help.
>>>>>>>>> The issue is that I don't get what your problem is exactly here, so I my answer might be a bit off-topic.
>>>>>>>>> Do not hesitate to rephrase your issue, I'll try a more focused answer.
>>>>>>>>> Anywya, here is how I think your code could be improved:
>>>>>>>>> (1) You can use 'calc' as the callback for all of the editable text field so that your result gets shown right away, without having to press a button.
>>>>>>>>> (2) You should populate all the uicontrols of your gui first, then only update the displayed values, the visibility of the uicontrols, etc inside your calc function. (ie no more creating a uicontrol inside a callback)
>>>>>>>>> (3) The 'tag' property of any uicontrol together with 'findobj()' are really nice to get/set the properties of each existing uicontrol.
>>>>>>>>> (4) You can rely on a proper Model-View-Controler approach (or any other well established method to avoid mixing gui stuff with calculation stuff).
>>>>>>>>> I attached a small gui I use to illustrate optical anti-reflection coating.
>>>>>>>>> It is far from perfect (I did not implement a proper model-view-controler for example).
>>>>>>>>> But you can see how I tried to separate the different parts of the code an how I use findobj/tag/get/set,  etc.
>>>>>>>>> Hope it helps,
>>>>>>>>> Antoine
>>>>>>>>> Le Mercredi, Novembre 27, 2019 19:21 CET, Claus Futtrup<cfuttrup at gmail.com>  a écrit:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi there
>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to build a GUI. For simplicity on the forum, I've built a
>>>>>>>>>> really simple example of what I'm trying to do. How can I make the
>>>>>>>>>> "conditional" GUI output work and not have it inside the calc function?
>>>>>>>>>> ... or, how would you do it? Thanks.
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards, Claus.
>>>>>>>>>> // GUI_EXAMPLE.SCE
>>>>>>>>>> //
>>>>>>>>>> // Demo of how to build a simple GUI in Scilab.
>>>>>>>>>> // Real simple, with two input variables and one output.
>>>>>>>>>> // The example uses the basic mechanical example of a mass and a spring as
>>>>>>>>>> // input parameters and calculates the resonance frequency of the mechanical
>>>>>>>>>> // system.
>>>>>>>>>> // Initialize variables
>>>>>>>>>> m  =  1;  // Moving mass 'm'(kilogram)
>>>>>>>>>> k  =  1;  // Stiffness, spring constant 'k'(Newton per meter)
>>>>>>>>>> fres  =  1;  // Resonance frequency (Hertz)
>>>>>>>>>> show_result  =  %f;
>>>>>>>>>> function  calc()
>>>>>>>>>>         m  =  evstr(get(ge_m,"string"));  // get content in uicontrol ge_m
>>>>>>>>>>         k  =  evstr(get(ge_k,"string"));  // get content in uicontrol ge_k
>>>>>>>>>>         fres  =  sqrt(m  *  k);
>>>>>>>>>>         // putting GUI updates inside the calculation routine is not pretty code.
>>>>>>>>>>         uicontrol("style","text","string","Result :","position",  ..
>>>>>>>>>>                   [10  as(2)-110  80  20]);
>>>>>>>>>>         uicontrol("style","text","string",string(fres),  ..
>>>>>>>>>>                   "position",[100  as(2)-110  80  20]);
>>>>>>>>>>         uicontrol("style","text","string","Hz ","position",  ..
>>>>>>>>>>                   [200  as(2)-110  30  20]);
>>>>>>>>>>         show_result  =  %t;
>>>>>>>>>>         // update global variables
>>>>>>>>>>         [m,k,fres,show_result]=return(m,k,fres,show_result);
>>>>>>>>>> endfunction
>>>>>>>>>> function  goodbye()
>>>>>>>>>>         close(ge);  // Close GUI window
>>>>>>>>>>         printf("Resulting fres: %f Hertz\n",fres);
>>>>>>>>>>         abort  // Print result in console (e.g. for copy/paste), then kill the app
>>>>>>>>>> endfunction
>>>>>>>>>> ge  =  scf();  // GUI Example, Initialize and 'set current figure'
>>>>>>>>>> as  =  ge.axes_size;  // read size of window, as = [width height]
>>>>>>>>>> ge.figure_name  =  "GUI Example";  // Change window header
>>>>>>>>>> uicontrol("style","text","string","Moving mass :","position",  ..
>>>>>>>>>>               [10  as(2)-35  80  20],"background",[1  1  1]);  // white background
>>>>>>>>>>               // position properties has four parameters = x,y,width,height
>>>>>>>>>>               // y-position counts from lower left corner, so we subtract from 'as'
>>>>>>>>>> ge_m  =  uicontrol("style","edit","string",string(m),  ..
>>>>>>>>>>               "position",[100  as(2)-35  80  20]);
>>>>>>>>>> uicontrol("style","text","string","kg ","position",  ..
>>>>>>>>>>               [200  as(2)-35  30  20],"background",[1  1  1]);
>>>>>>>>>> uicontrol("style","text","string","Stiffness :","position",  ..
>>>>>>>>>>               [10  as(2)-60  80  20],"background",[1  1  1]);
>>>>>>>>>> ge_k  =  uicontrol("style","edit","string",string(k),  ..
>>>>>>>>>>               "position",[100  as(2)-60  80  20]);
>>>>>>>>>> uicontrol("style","text","string","N/m ","position",  ..
>>>>>>>>>>               [200  as(2)-60  30  20],"background",[1  1  1]);
>>>>>>>>>> uicontrol("style","pushbutton","string","Calculate",  ..
>>>>>>>>>>               "position",[10  as(2)-85  80  20],"callback","calc");
>>>>>>>>>> // How do I make this "conditional"output show up in my GUI?
>>>>>>>>>> if  show_result  then  // If "Calculate"button was pushed at least once ...
>>>>>>>>>>         uicontrol("style","text","string","Result :","position",  ..
>>>>>>>>>>                   [10  as(2)-110  80  20]);
>>>>>>>>>>         uicontrol("style","text","string",string(fres),  ..
>>>>>>>>>>                   "position",[100  as(2)-110  80  20]);
>>>>>>>>>>         uicontrol("style","text","string","Hz ","position",  ..
>>>>>>>>>>                   [200  as(2)-110  30  20]);
>>>>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>>>>> uicontrol("style","pushbutton","string","Exit",  ..
>>>>>>>>>>               "position",[10  as(2)-135  80  20],"callback","goodbye");
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>>> -- 
>>> Stéphane Mottelet
>>> Ingénieur de recherche
>>> EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
>>> Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
>>> Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
>>> CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne cedex
>>> Tel : +33(0)344234688
>>> http://www.utc.fr/~mottelet
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> -- 
> Stéphane Mottelet
> Ingénieur de recherche
> EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
> Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
> Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
> CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne cedex
> Tel : +33(0)344234688
> http://www.utc.fr/~mottelet
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