[Scilab-users] atomsLoad

Jean-Yves Baudais Jean-Yves.Baudais at insa-rennes.fr
Mon Dec 21 10:16:04 CET 2020


> Hard to help without knowing what you exactly did to install the toolbox, 

As I wrote I did
--> atomsRepositoryAdd("http://atoms.scilab.org")
--> atomsInstall("emd_toolbox")
--> atomsLoad("emd_toolbox")

Nothing else.

> but
> clearly, [ https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/stftb/1.2.1 | this
>        version ] of the Time Frequency Toolbox has been shipped for Scilab 5.3, and can
>        in no way work with Scilab 6.1!
> Its most recent 2.0.2 version has been compiled for Scilab 6.0. So unless you
> recompile it by your own for Scilab 6.1, you could not use it on Scilab 6.1
> (because it includes some hard-coded functions).

Ok. So the error message "lib: [...] is not a valid lib path" does not mean the path does not exist but the version 1.2-1 cannot be used. Right?

> Why have you chosen a so old version? Regards
> Samuel

Hum... I chosen nothing, I let Scilab functions atomsInstall() and atomsLoad() do the job...

Jean-Yves Baudais

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