[Scilab-users] atomsLoad

Jean-Yves Baudais Jean-Yves.Baudais at insa-rennes.fr
Mon Dec 21 15:53:04 CET 2020


  Thank you for the explanations. They make me the atom philosophy clearer :-)

>> 2) I added the atoms repository http://atoms.scilab/org because the default one
>> is http://atoms.scilab.org/6.1 and it gives nothing!
> I guess that by "it gives nothing" you mean that you did not get any
> emd_toolbox version installed.

Yes, and I understand now it's rather good nothing was installed because the atoms "emd_toolbox" is not compatible with Scilab-6.1.

> By the way, the behavior of the ATOMS server when no Scilab version is
> specified in the repository URL would deserve either being documented,
> or fixed. As far as i understand, then the user is completely free and
> responsible of what it does. 

Yes, but I have to learn and I'm more irresponsible to do what I did :-)

> In your case, by default the very first
> emd_toolbox version 1.0 has been installed (why not. It could be the
> last available one, instead...). Then the automatical choice of the
> default version of the dependency (stftb) is more obscure...

So, I think the best way it to use older Scilab version because 
- only too old emd_toolbox is "atomsInstalled" with Scilab-6.1 and not "atomsLoadable"
- with http://atoms.scilab.org/5.3 repository, the atomsLoad() function alway gives "bad library path"
- I'm not able to start with library source code

Two questions:
- Which Scilab version should I used? (only 5.5.2 or 5.1.1 are available on http://www.scilab.org)
- Is the message "bad libray path" given by atomsLoad() mean there is a compatiliby issues? If yes, why does atomsInstall() intall without any error while atomsLoad() give errors?

Thank for all,


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