[Scilab-users] atomsLoad

Jean-Yves Baudais Jean-Yves.Baudais at insa-rennes.fr
Tue Dec 22 16:12:17 CET 2020


> It is quite easy (a 10 min. job). I made the needed modifications and it
> compiles and loads under OSX. If you give me the rights on Gitlab I can commit
> the modifications this afternoon.

Ok, but I don't how to do this, but I'm ready to learn :-) So, could you give me the step starting with "stftb" source? https://atoms.scilab.org/toolboxes/stftb/2.0.2/files/stftb-2.0.2-src.zip (I'm regular with Linux command-line, not too much with makefile)

Or, maybe there already exists a document explaining the steps?

Jean-Yves Baudais

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