[Scilab-users] [EXTERNAL] Count specific values in text file

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Wed Feb 12 10:12:15 CET 2020

Le 12/02/2020 à 08:57, arctica1963 a écrit :
> Hello Philipp
> Your suggestion is kind of what I am trying to do, but the text file is not
> a CSV structure. It is just a single, very big number on one row. A small
> chunk:
> 31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164 etc
> (no spaces between digits)
> How best to load the text file and then count the number of occurrences of a
> specific digit (e.g. 1)? At the moment the file essentially contains a very
> big integer.

--> t = 
--> length(regexp(t,"/1/"))
  ans  =

--> length(regexp(t,"/41/"))
  ans  =

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