[Scilab-users] ?= ?==?utf-8?q? e

Chin Luh Tan chinluh.tan at bytecode-asia.com
Wed Feb 12 17:02:47 CET 2020

to add on, it might not just affect csvRead, but also others file IO functions as well:

how to reproduce:

// Not OK
a = ones(1,300000); 

b = strcat(string(a));


c = mgetl('test.txt');

then a is 250,000 mgetl get the string correctly, but when a is 300,000, it return empty string.

on the other hand, file in single column of data working fine. 

// OK
a = ones(1,300000); 

b = string(a);


c = mgetl('test.txt');



---- On Wed, 12 Feb 2020 23:40:45 +0800 arctica1963 <arctica1963 at gmail.com> wrote ----

PI250KDP.TXT <http://mailinglists.scilab.org/file/t495709/PI250KDP.TXT> 
PI500KDP.TXT <http://mailinglists.scilab.org/file/t495709/PI500KDP.TXT> 
// path to the txt file 
path = 'PI250KDP.txt' 
// read the file as string 
piAsString = csvRead(path, [],[],'string') 
// split the string at '' (use no token) 
[piAsString] = strsplit(piAsString,''); 
// convert string to double 
piDigits = strtod(piAsString); 
// search: how often appears a certain value in a specific range within the 
searchRange = 10000; 
searchVal = 1; 
// adapt the range, to search only places behind the decimal sign 
[locations] = find(piDigits(1:searchRange+1) == searchVal); // small tweak 
printf("The number %d appears %d times in the first %d digits of 
Pi\n",searchVal,length(locations),searchRange) ; 
printf("The number %d appears at following locations: \n", searchVal); 
The 250K file works; the 500k file fails 
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