[Scilab-users] Pong contest

Rafael Guerra jrafaelbguerra at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 7 09:54:13 CEST 2020

Hello Stéphane et al.,

Would it make sense in this “Pong contest”, in addition to the OS used, to also provide some sort of benchmarking of machine CPU?

Fyi, find below simple test by Gershenfeld (1999), it computes Pi=4*atan(1) by two methods:
    Scalar test:  Pi(N)~Sum{i=1:N; 0.5/((i-0.75)*(i-0.25))}
    Array test:   Pi(N)= Pi(N-1) + 0.5/((N-0.75)*(N-0.25))

// Based on benchmarking test in Gershenfeld Mathematical modeling book (1999)
// There are 5 floating point operations per step, total 5 Mflop with N=1e6
N= 1e6;
ps= 0;
for i=1:N
  ps= ps + 0.5/((i-0.75)*(i-0.25));
printf('...SCALAR RESULT:  Mflops= %4.3f ;  Pi ~ %7.6f \n',5.0/dt,ps);

pv(1)= 0.5/((1-0.75)*(1-0.25));
for i=2:N
  pv(i)= pv(i-1) + 0.5/((i-0.75)*(i-0.25));
printf('...ARRAY RESULT:  Mflops= %4.3f ;  Pi ~ %7.6f \n',5.0/dt,pv(N));

...SCALAR RESULT:  Mflops= 3.489
...ARRAY RESULT:  Mflops= 1.367


On 05-06-2020 14:48, Stéphane Mottelet wrote:
Hello all,

As you may have noticed, there is now a little game in the Gaphics/Animation section of the demonstrations. As the speed and responsiveness seems to be similar under all platforms, it would be funny to launch a little contest. In the next Scilab version it would be interesting to implement a high score online record, but until then, you can answer this message with the same kind of screenshot I joined, showing you score and just taken after the game end with and with the last dialog on the figure.

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