[Scilab-users] Which module to use for hassle-free image processing with scilab ?

Antoine Monmayrant antoine.monmayrant at laas.fr
Sun Mar 8 10:17:22 CET 2020

Hi all,

This mail might sound like a rant, but it is an honest question: which image processing toolbox is usable with scilab and actively maintained?

I tried many of them and honestly I did not find one that is just working, easy to instal and that can be installed and used reliably on different platforms:

- IPCV : the installation is quite difficult (at least under linux). I just installed it under ubuntu 19.04 and it required manual installation of dependencies (apt install ...) and a patch. Some functions are half documented and in fact not implemented (imhoughc for example). I also had trouble in the past where the install proved impossible during several months on some OSes I use at work (can't remember which flavour of linux or windows it was).

- scicv: installs without any issue and as reported by Samuel ( http://forge.scilab.org/index.php/p/scicv/issues/1944/ http://forge.scilab.org/index.php/p/scicv/issues/1946/ ), overwrites 'write' and 'read' which breaks many native functions in scilab together with other useful modules (ie uman). This is a blocking issue that has not been fixed in the past 6 months. Moreover, many opencv functions are not available and it is not clear how to access them.

- sip : I used it at some point but it seems that it's no longer supported. Is this the case?

- many others, like sip which have not been updated for years (IPT, SIVP...)

Well, it's a bit of a mess and I am a bit lost.
Any of you have some piece of advice on which toolbox I should invest into and how I can  help improve this situation?

Thanks in advance,

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