[Scilab-users] console: instruction moving the scrollbar to the top

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Fri Dec 17 03:18:46 CET 2021


Le 02/03/2015 à 23:18, Samuel Gougeon a écrit :
> Hello,
> Are there any instructions to move the console's vertical scrollbar up 
> to the top?
> I mean, not the caret (tohome() does it), but the scrollbar.
> Even a hack through java/JIMS would be welcome.

Well, this is still a very needed feature : for instance, after a clc() 
and the display of a help page in the console with uman(), going up to 
the top of the console to start viewing the top of  the page would be 
more handy.
Digging a bit among available Java classes:
jimport org.scilab.modules.gui.bridge.CallScilabBridge;

shows many interesting (and working) methods addressing the console -- 
CallScilabBridge.toHome(); // --
but nothing addressing directly the vertical scrolbar position.
Maybe digging more would work...

Any hints?

The same feature would be useful for uicontrol listbox, as in the right 
pannel of the ATOMS interface, where the description of a selected 
module is displayed. Each time the scrolbar is down to the bottom. 
Having a way to put it at the top would be fine.

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