[Scilab-users] xcos_simulate()

Johan Lafitte johan.lafitte at gmail.com
Wed Feb 10 18:41:25 CET 2021


My xcos model becomes quite large and takes time to compile. In order to
launch batches and optimisation process, it seems possible to compile the
model juste one time.

However, I meet the same difficulties as described in this post :



Indeed, the following script...

*  ___________________________________ *


entreprise\Technique\Kayak guide\Modélisation\Scilab\optimisation"+"\modèle
physique et commande simple_10_opti.zcos");*


*xcos_simulate(scs_m, 4);*

*disp("méthode 2",toc());*


*%cpr = xcos_compile(scs_m);*

*disp( "Durée compilation",toc());*



*disp( "méthode 1",toc());*


...gives the following results :


*"scicos_simulate step 1"*

*   50.813412 s*

*  "scicos_simulate step 2"*

*   57.440604 s*

*  "xcos_simulate(scs_m, 4) méthode 2"*

*   58.808546 s*

*  "Compilation duration"*

*   55.615238 s*

*  "xcos_simulate(scs_m,1) méthode 1"*

   *61.133700 s*


It seems the compilation step is done in all these cases.

*Thank you for your time and for your help*


note 1 : when the final time of the simulation is set from 20s to 200s, the
execution time increases about 15s

note 2 : according to the windows task manager, CPUs seem to be used about
30% during compilation and about 100% during simulation which takes few
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