[Scilab-users] Default x|y|z labels and title font size = 2?

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Fri Feb 12 22:45:53 CET 2021

Dear all,

Thank you for your comments.

Le 02/02/2021 à 17:02, Claus Futtrup a écrit :
> Hi Samuel
> I agree. The font is always too small. The font = 2 seems to be the 
> smallest feasible increment and it sounds like a good one (i.e. 
> without overdoing it).

I agree, 2 is a minimal value.  Unless there are more "votes" for 3, 
let's propose this new default value = 2 for Scilab 6.1.1.

Le 02/02/2021 à 09:39, CRETE Denis a écrit :
> .../... I actually defined a function to perform xtitle and 
> immediately increase font sizes for the axes labels, axis titles and 
> title of the figure. I originally set them to a size of 2 for the 
> labels and 3 for the titles.
So do i. But technically speaking, setting a different default value for 
the title is much harder (to me. I got lost in the code..).
As well, detecting when the input is some LaTeX content and then 
increase the default font size is technically more complicated.
Let's start with a simple but urgent improvement.

> Still, the reviewers for publications seldom complain about too large 
> font sizes, much more about too small font sizes! For these 
> applications, the risk of having to change the font sizes upon 
> revision of a paper is smaller with default font sizes of 3 for the 
> labels and 4 (or even 5 when LaTeX style is used) for the titles

Right. I am afraid that some "final touch" will anyway most often be 
required, depending on the Reviewer, the Editor, etc.

Le 02/02/2021 à 17:02, Claus Futtrup a écrit :
> You mention grid. I always do xgrid(color("grey70")); ... is this 
> default now, to have the grid a bit greyed?

That's something else, to be discussed in another thread.


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