[Scilab-users] Sundials ode solvers

Stéphane Mottelet stephane.mottelet at utc.fr
Mon Oct 25 16:35:18 CEST 2021

Hi all,

As discussed in this thread last month


I am glad to annouce that a first version of the  sci-sundials toolbox 
(maybe part of Scilab in the future) is available on Atoms in the 
"Differential Equations" category (refresh the package list if you don't 
see it).  To have an idea of its features I pasted below the content of 
the README.md file on the gitlab project of sci-sundials 

If you appreciate the work and want to help, doc, demos, or even more if 
you know how to code in C and C++ you are welcome !


    What has been done and what is to be done

Until now only CVODE has been interfaced but many common features have 
been developped in the OdeManager class, hence interfacing IDA will be 
quite easy. ARKODE (various modern explicit, implicit and mixed 
explicit/implicit Runge-Kutta solvers) does not exist in the old 2.4.0 
version of Sundials which is used in Scilab hence won't be interfaced 
unless an upgrade is done (Sundials is now at version 5.7.0). The 
support of Sparse Jacobians is also missing for the same reason.


The CVODE gateway cvode_solve() implements the following features which 
were missing by the legacy LSODE/LSODA/LSODAR/... ode() gateway :

  * full a posteriori access to solver continuous extension of solution
    at arbitrary points via a MList output when only one lhs is given:

|sol = cvode_solve(f, [t0 tf], y0) t = linspace(t0, tf, 1000) plot(t, 
sol(t)) |

The |sol| MList fields gathers all information related to the obtained 
solution (time steps, solution at time steps, events, ...). The solver 
can be restarted by giving the MLlist as first argument to |cvode_extend| :

|sol2 = cvode_extend(sol, tx, ...)|

where |tx| is the time point to which solution has to be extended. The 
options of the call that yielded |sol| are used and can be changed as 
optional named parameters after |tx|.

  * a user-friendly access to solver options via optional named
    parameters in cvode_solve call, i.e.

|cvode_solve(f, tspan, y0, h0=0.01, rtol=1e-3)|

  * a really simpler way to give time span of integration allowing to
    choose between error driven solver internal time steps and user
    fixed time steps, i.e.

|[t,y] = cvode_solve(f, [t0 tf], y0) [t,y] = cvode_solve(f, [t0 t1 ... 
tf], y0) [t,t] = cvode_solve(f, tspan, y0, t0=0)|

the latter style being the closest to actual |ode()| behavior where 
solution is by default given at user time steps and |t0| is not 
necessarily equal to |tspan(1)|, which is the default in the two former 
calls above.

  * a better and user-friendly specification of events via a variable
    number of outputs event function (giving value of event equations,
    wheter to stop integration for a given event and event direction
    selection), minimal style beeing a single output. Information about
    events is also simpler to get:

|function [eq,term,dir] = evfun(t,y) eq = y(1)-1.7; term = %f; dir = 1; 
end [t,y,te,ye,ie] = cvode_solve(f, tspan, y0, events = evfun) sol = 
cvode_solve(f, tspan, y0, events = evfun)|

in the latter call information about events is recovered in 

  * support of complex solution with detection of complexity in |y0| or
    |f(t0,y0)|, e.g.

|function out = crhs(t,y) out = 10*exp(2*%i*%pi*t)*y; end [t,y] = 
cvode_solve(crhs, [0,5], 1) plot(t,real(y),t,imag(y))|

  * Support of a callback function called after each successfull step,
    giving access to current solver statistics and allowing to stop
    integration (e.g. by a "stop" button on a GUI), e.g.

|function stop = scicallback(t,y,flag,stats) stop = %f if flag == "step" 
mprintf("%s : hlast=%g\n", flag, stats.hlast) end end [t,y] = 
cvode_solve(f, tspan, y0, intcb=scicallback);|

  * support of an arbitrary number of dimensions of ode state


|cvode_solve()| is roughly two times faster than |ode()| for both fixed 
methods (Adams and BDF). As |ode()| already did, compiled and 
dynamically linked C,C++ or Fortran externals are supported by 
|cvode_solve()|. When using such externals instead of Scilab functions 
|cvode_solve()| is generally an order of magnitude faster.

Stéphane Mottelet
Ingénieur de recherche
EA 4297 Transformations Intégrées de la Matière Renouvelable
Département Génie des Procédés Industriels
Sorbonne Universités - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
CS 60319, 60203 Compiègne cedex
Tel : +33(0)344234688

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