[Scilab-users] Graphics: Current figure and current entity

Samuel Gougeon sgougeon at free.fr
Tue Jun 7 21:06:31 CEST 2022

Le 07/06/2022 à 11:39, CRETE Denis a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have several graphic windows and in some of them, there are several 
> “Axes” (and several curves for each “Axes”).
> I can’t find in “Scilab Help” if the “current axes” is always in the 
> hierarchy of the “current entity”, and similarly if the “current 
> figure” is always in the hierarchy of the “current axes”.
Good question. Let's test it :

 1. sca(ax) sets the current figure to the one homing the ax axes:
    --> scf(0); plot(1:10); e0 = gce(); ax0 = gca();
    --> scf(1); plot(1:10); e1 = gce(); ax1 = gca();
    --> sca(ax0);
    --> gcf().figure_id
      ans  =
    --> sca(ax1);
    --> gcf().figure_id
      ans  =

 2. set("current_entity", h) does NOT set the current figure to the one
    homing the targeted entity:
    --> scf(0); plot(1:10); e0 = gce(); ax0 = gca();
    --> scf(1); plot(1:10); e1 = gce(); ax1 = gca();
    --> set("current_entity", e0);
    --> gcf().figure_id
      ans  =
    --> gca().parent.figure_id
      ans  =

So now we can answer to your questions:

> I can’t find in “Scilab Help” if the “current axes” is always in the 
> hierarchy of the “current entity”,
Almost never.

> and similarly if the “current figure” is always in the hierarchy of 
> the “current axes”. 
Yes it is.

> If this was true, I suggest to mention it in the “Graphics Entities” 
> section.
Right, the sca() and set() pages could be clarified about this.

> If not, is there a simple way to obtain the handle of the figure where 
> the “current entity” is ?
> I tried the following, which seems to work :
> G_f = gce().parent;
> while get(G_f,”type”)~=”Figure”,
>           G_f =  G_f.parent;
> end;
Yes, in short:

G_f = gce();

while G_f.type ~= ”Figure”,   G_f =  G_f.parent; end

that will work even when the initial G_f is already a figure.

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