//Generate (useless) data x=0:1:10; // size: 1*11 y=0:1:100; // size: 1*101 z=x'*y; // size: 11*101 z2=z/2; //Plot scf(); //Create a new grahic window xset("colormap",jetcolormap(64)); // Choose colormap (see the help of colormap) //First subplot subplot(2,1,1); xtitle("Big Data", "x coordinate", "y coordinate"); colorbar(min(z),max(z)); Sgrayplot(x, y, z, zminmax = [min(z) max(z)]); //Second subplot with the same scale subplot(2,1,2); xtitle("Small Data", "x coordinate", "y coordinate"); colorbar(min(z),max(z)); // Same colorbar Sgrayplot(x, y, z2, zminmax = [min(z) max(z)]); // Note that zminmax is the same!