<div dir="ltr">Hi.<br>Can someone please help me with this start-up message that I get during startup of scilab in Linux.<br><br>---------------------------------------------------<br>Startup execution:<br> loading initial environment<br>
!--error 241 <br>File /tmp/SD_21222_/mkdir.err does not exist or read access denied <br>at line 83 of function mkdir called by : <br>line 109 of function initial_scicos_tables called by : <br>neVector ] = initial_scicos_tables(<br>
line 175 of exec file called by : <br>exec('SCI/scilab.star',-1);;<br>-------------------------------------------------------<br>It seems that the execution of scilab.star has failed.<br>
<br>After getting this error-message I can writing for example "help plot" does not work any longer:<br>--------------------------------------------------------<br>>help plot<br> !--error 999 <br>mopen: Could not open the file!<br>
at line 3 of function rescan_helps called by : <br>line 17 of function sciGUIhelp called by : <br>line 25 of function run_help called by : <br>line 20 of function browsehelp called by : <br>line 25 of function help called by : <br>
help plot<br>--------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Thank you,<br>Kristin Edvardsen<br><br><br></div>