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<br>Mr./Mrs.,<br>I've met scilab yet. I've installed it as explained for linux (Pardus). But when I launch, I get this message in the console: <br><br><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);">bin/scilab<br>selcuk@selcuk-pardus scilab-5.0.3 $ Could not file localization file for LC_MESSAGES<br>Switch back to the default language en_US<br><br><font style="" color="#000000">However, scilab is opened. But when I try to run anything, it closes. How can I overcome this problem? <br><br>Sincerely,<br></font></span><em><font color="#0000ff"><font color="#000000">Selçuk</font><br></font></em><br><br><br /><hr />Get news, entertainment and everything you care about at Live.com. <a href='http://www.live.com/getstarted.aspx ' target='_new'>Check it out!</a></body>