At 18:02 5/3/2009, xr@geo.hmg.inpg.fr wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite="">I've developped some macro who
was running perfectly under scilab 4.1.2.<br>
I've tried to run them under scilab 5.1. But it doesn't work.<br><br>
The calculations seems to be done, but nothing appear on figure.<br>
I attempt some sample with the command plot2d or plot, but the screen is
desesperaly white...<br>
Does anybody has encountered same problems ?<br>
<font color="#0000FF">Yes, I have the same problem...! Any plot ...
<font color="#0000FF"><b>Prof. Ausberto</font> S.
<font color="#0000FF">Castro</font> V.</b>
<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
<font color="#000080"><b>ascv@computer.org<br>
</font><font color="#800080">Ph.D. Computer
Science<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab>
</font><font face="Arial Narrow, Helvetica" color="#008000">UNASP</b>
</font> - <b><i>Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo<br>
</i></b>Sao Paulo - SP<br>
Brazil <br>
<font color="#800080">http:/www.unasp.edu.br/<br>