Did you try the fscanfMat function to read the file? The following two lines seems to do the job, if I really got the question:<br>
<font face="Courier New">f = xgetfile() // locate the file</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">m = fscanfMat(f) // read the file over matrix m</font><br>
You get<br>
<font face="Courier New"> m =</font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 1. 0.2898 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 2. 0.2919 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 4. 0.2939 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 7. 0.299 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 10. 0.3035 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 13. 0.313 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 16. 0.3172 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 20. 0.3201 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 24. 0.3243 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 27. 0.3272 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 30. 0.33 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 33. 0.321 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 36. 0.3223 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 40. 0.3236 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 44. 0.3258 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 48. 0.3273 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 53. 0.3302 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 57. 0.3345 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 60. 0.3381 </font><br>
<font face="Courier New"> 274. 63. 0.3331 </font><br>
The input file I used is (I supressed a line begining with a "1"; header lines should not start with a number):<br>
<font face="Courier New">*****************************</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">* Subplot Definitions *</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">*****************************</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">*****************************</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">* COLUMN LABELS *</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">*****************************</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">*****************************</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">DAY</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">DEPTH (CM)</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">SOIL WATER CONTENT (VOL)</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">****************** DATA STARTS HERE *****************</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 1.000 0.2898</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 2.000 0.2919</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 4.000 0.2939</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 7.000 0.2990</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 10.00 0.3035</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 13.00 0.3130</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 16.00 0.3172</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 20.00 0.3201</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 24.00 0.3243</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 27.00 0.3272</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 30.00 0.3300</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 33.00 0.3210</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 36.00 0.3223</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 40.00 0.3236</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 44.00 0.3258</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 48.00 0.3273</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 53.00 0.3302</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 57.00 0.3345</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 60.00 0.3381</font><br>
<font face="Courier New">274 63.00 0.3331</font><br>
<tt>"isuzman" <isuzman@gmail.com> wrote on 13/05/2009 01:45:43:<br>
> Hi Hari,</tt><br>
<tt>> Thanks much for your support. Attached is my reply to Prof. <br>
> Ramachandran. Hope it could give you another perspective. </tt><br>
<tt>> Best, </tt><br>
<tt>> Zhiming</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> Dear Dr. Ramachandran,</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> Thank you very much! That's exactly what I want. The main problem is<br>
> that I only know read('filename.txt', m, n) statement, and it could <br>
> not work for data mixed with characters. I tried a lot and never <br>
> find read statemtne like A=read("data.txt",-1,1,"(a)"). It helps a lot.</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> I kind of solved this problem by using file statement:</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> A =[]; B=[]; C=[];<br>
> v=file('open', 'data.txt', 'old');<br>
> for i = 1:36000<br>
> if i<=12 then Head=fscanf(v, '%s'); // there is 12 headlines;<br>
> else [AA BB CC]=fscanf(v, '%f %f %f');<br>
> A=[A; AA]; B=[B; BB]; C=[C; CC];<br>
> end<br>
> end</tt><br>
<tt>> // the data I want is</tt><br>
<tt>> [A, B, C]</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> Your read statement is so good that I do not have to write so long a<br>
> program. I really appreciate your help.</tt><br>
<tt>> Thanks much and have a great day,</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> Zhiming</tt><br>
<tt>> Iowa State University</tt><br>
<tt>> Agricultural Engineering Department</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> 2009-05-12 </tt><br>
<tt>> <br>
> isuzman </tt><br>
<tt>> <br>
> 发件人: Giri </tt><br>
<tt>> 发送时间: 2009-05-08 09:32:31 </tt><br>
<tt>> 收件人: users@lists.scilab.org </tt><br>
<tt>> 抄送: </tt><br>
<tt>> 主题: Re: [scilab-Users] Help in reading txt file: how to skip the title </tt><br>
<tt>> harishankar ramachandran wrote:</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> > The following program does the specific job:</tt><br>
<tt>> ></tt><br>
<tt>> > // to read in a data file containing header lines starting with</tt><br>
<tt>> > // "*" and to read in the columns after the last header line.</tt><br>
<tt>> > A=read("data.txt",-1,1,"(a)"); // read in the file</tt><br>
<tt>> > jj=grep(A,"*"); // find lines containing "*"</tt><br>
<tt>> ></tt><br>
<tt>> > // We want to skip upto all lines containing "*" So start after</tt><br>
<tt>> > // the last such line</tt><br>
<tt>> > ibeg=jj(length(jj))+1;</tt><br>
<tt>> > iend=size(A,"r");</tt><br>
<tt>> > m=iend-ibeg+1;</tt><br>
<tt>> > [n,v1,v2,v3]=msscanf(m,A(ibeg:iend),"%f %f %f");</tt><br>
<tt>> ></tt><br>
<tt>> > clf</tt><br>
<tt>> > subplot(3,1,1);</tt><br>
<tt>> > plot2d(1:m,v1');</tt><br>
<tt>> > subplot(3,1,2);</tt><br>
<tt>> > plot2d(1:m,v2');</tt><br>
<tt>> > subplot(3,1,3);</tt><br>
<tt>> > plot2d(1:m,v3');</tt><br>
<tt>> ></tt><br>
<tt>> > // Note that this script hardcoded the number of columns and does</tt><br>
<tt>> > // no error checking. Since column information is present in the</tt><br>
<tt>> > // file, one could also extract that info and construct the</tt><br>
<tt>> > // format string appropriately. Or use the logic in fscanfMat to directly</tt><br>
<tt>> > // figure out the number of columns.</tt><br>
<tt>> ></tt><br>
<tt>> > Not sure this is quite what you wanted.</tt><br>
<tt>> ></tt><br>
<tt>> > regards</tt><br>
<tt>> ></tt><br>
<tt>> > hari ramachandran</tt><br>
<tt>> ></tt><br>
<tt>> > On Wednesday 06 May 2009 21:49, Zhiming Qi wrote:</tt><br>
<tt>> > > *****************************</tt><br>
<tt>> > > * Subplot Definitions *</tt><br>
<tt>> > > *****************************</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 1</tt><br>
<tt>> > > *****************************</tt><br>
<tt>> > > * COLUMN LABELS *</tt><br>
<tt>> > > *****************************</tt><br>
<tt>> > > DAY</tt><br>
<tt>> > > DEPTH (CM)</tt><br>
<tt>> > > SOIL WATER CONTENT (VOL)</tt><br>
<tt>> > > ****************** DATA STARTS HERE *****************</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 1.000 0.2898</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 2.000 0.2919</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 4.000 0.2939</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 7.000 0.2990</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 10.00 0.3035</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 13.00 0.3130</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 16.00 0.3172</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 20.00 0.3201</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 24.00 0.3243</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 27.00 0.3272</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 30.00 0.3300</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 33.00 0.3210</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 36.00 0.3223</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 40.00 0.3236</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 44.00 0.3258</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 48.00 0.3273</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 53.00 0.3302</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 57.00 0.3345</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 60.00 0.3381</tt><br>
<tt>> > > 274 63.00 0.3331</tt><br>
<tt>> ></tt><br>
<tt>> > --</tt><br>
<tt>> > Dr. Hari Ramachandran, Professor, 332B ESB, EE Dept, IIT-Madras</tt><br>
<tt>> > Interests: Nonlinear Optics, Nonlinear Waves, Plasma Physics, Particle</tt><br>
<tt>> > Simulations, Computational Algorithms, Linux.</tt><br>
<tt>> > Off: 91-44-2257-4421 Fax: 91-44-2257-0120</tt><br>
<tt>> > Res: 91-44-2663-1863 Home Email: omkarbharathi@gmail.com</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> Dear Prof. Ramachandran:</tt><br>
<tt>> Thanks for the detailed solution, this is a common problem faced</tt><br>
<tt>> by anyone trying process data obtained from lab instruments. I was</tt><br>
<tt>> also planning to post some similar question as I am new user of</tt><br>
<tt>> Scilab. Thanks to Mr Qi also!</tt><br>
<tt>> Sincerely,</tt><br>
<tt>> Giridhar</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> --</tt><br>
<tt>> M. S. Giridhar</tt><br>
<tt>> Thinfilms and Microsensors Group</tt><br>
<tt>> Laboratory for Electro Optic Systems</tt><br>
<tt>> Indian Space Research Organisation</tt><br>
<tt>> 1st Cross, 1st Stage, Peenya Industrial Estate,</tt><br>
<tt>> Bangalore 560058.</tt><br>
<tt>> Phone:2839 2294, 2839 2291 ext 2212</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
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