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Hello!<br><br> I'm Rodrigo Viégas, a brazilian website developer and I'm trying to use SciLab as a tool in one of my websites.<br><br> Unfortunatly I have been facing many problems to access the software through my php scripts. I don't know how do I do it. There is one linux server to host the website and a dedicated windows computer to run applications that deal with my MySQL database.<br><br> The idea is to create 3D graphics (and much more) in SciLab and save them into a directory to allow users to access the results wherever they are. Are you able to help me to do this task?<br><br> Sorry for bothering you, but I really need help to deal with SciLab.<br><br> Thank you! Using Scilab would be useful for me and my customers.<br><br>Rodrigo Viégas<br><br /><hr />Quer uma internet mais segura? <a href='http://brasil.microsoft.com.br/IE8/mergulhe/?utm_source=MSN%3BHotmail&utm_medium=Tagline&utm_campaign=IE8' target='_new'>Baixe agora o novo Internet Explorer 8. É grátis!</a></body>