Hello<br><br>I tried to represent 3-dimensional set of points described by their XYZ coordinates in an Excel file<br>I succeed to open the Excel file, read all the coordonates, build a 3D cube with the function Plot3D1(), and to position the informations from the Excel file in this 3D environnement.<br>
Great !<br><br>Now I have to do two things to finalize my project : the Color and the Interaction<br><br>Color : I have a fourth coordonate in the Excel file what I would like to represent by using the color of each point. <br>
How can I do it ? I don't understand how to change color of each point using a value, and to have a different color for each point. Does anyone has had a similar need ? or do you know a post (I didn't found it) that explains it clearly ?<br>
<br>Interaction : Is it possible, with Scilab, to "select" a point and make appear a text string ? this text string could be, for instance, the name of the plot stored as fifth value in the excel file.<br><br>say me if i'm not clear, it is my first post on this forum<br>
<br>Thank you for your help and experience.<br><br>Frederic<br><br><br>