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<TITLE>Re: [scilab-Users] API Mode Java version?</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>Yes,<BR>
I downloaded the binary and installed it for windows, Sylvestre.<BR>
Would you have a java 5 compatible version of javasci.jar that I could use?<BR>
----- Original Message -----<BR>
From: Sylvestre Ledru <sylvestre.ledru@scilab.org><BR>
To: users@lists.scilab.org <users@lists.scilab.org><BR>
Sent: Tue Jun 16 10:39:11 2009<BR>
Subject: RE: [scilab-Users] API Mode Java version?<BR>
Le mardi 16 juin 2009 à 10:31 -0700, Setumadhav Kulkarni a écrit :<BR>
> I always get:<BR>
> java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file<BR>
> when I try to run the sample.<BR>
>From the binary ?<BR>
If yes, Windows, Linux or Mac OS x ?<BR>
> Earlier, to get it working, I upgraded to Java 6, but I am bound to use Java 5.<BR>
Please submit a bug report. That means that we forgot an option<BR>
somewhere to make sure that the class file number version is compatible<BR>
with Java 5.<BR>
> Thanks,<BR>
> Setu<BR>
> -----Original Message-----<BR>
> From: Sylvestre Ledru [<A HREF="mailto:sylvestre.ledru@scilab.org">mailto:sylvestre.ledru@scilab.org</A>]<BR>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:57 PM<BR>
> To: users@lists.scilab.org<BR>
> Subject: Re: [scilab-Users] API Mode Java version?<BR>
> Le mardi 16 juin 2009 à 10:25 -0700, Setumadhav Kulkarni a écrit :<BR>
> > Is it necessary to have Java 6 for API Mode to work?<BR>
> No, Java 5 is OK too.<BR>
> Sylvestre<BR>