<P>Dear sir/madam</P><P>I and My students are regular users of Scilab 5. Our Institution uses Scilab for teaching (1)Digital Signal Processing Lab and (2)Signals and systems Lab.</P><P>We are going to condcut a "Two Days Workshop on Open Source Signal Processing Softwares". The engineering colleges in and around our college are not aware of Scilab 5.</P><P>I already downloaded your software and used it in My Digital Signal Processing Lab. </P><P>What I need is, in order to Make Scilab 5 more popular in INDIA I need Scilab 5 software in CD format with your Scilab 5 logo.</P><P></P><P>Total Number of Participants : 30</P><P></P><P>Enclosure: Workshop Brochure in PDF format</P><P>Address for communication:</P><P></P><P>R.SENTHILKUMAR,</P><P>LECTURER,</P><P>DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING,</P><P>INSTITUTE OF ROAD AND TRANSPORT TECHNOLOGY,</P><P>172/A3, KAMARAJ NAGAR,</P><P>SRI SANGAMESWARA NURSERY SCHOOL STREET,</P><P>BHAVANI - 638301.</P><P>TAMILNA
DU, INDIA.</P><P></P><P>MOBILE NUMBER: 91- 9940882605</P><br><br><div style="border-top:1px dashed #ccc; border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc; padding:5px;"><a href="http://mail.in.com/mails/new_reg.php?utm_source=invite&utm_medium=outgoing" style="font:13px arial; color:#1E56A1; text-decoration:none;">Dear <b>users!</b> Get Yourself a cool, short <b>@in.com</b> Email ID now!</a></div>