<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 12px; ">Hello, <br><p>I'm currently developing a small toolbox to interface some image processing routines that I have in C++ with scilab. <br>What I need is to create a Lhs variable that contains a 3D matrix (hypermat) and I'm struck on it. <br>
I'm already familiar with the scilab c/c++ api, but couldn't figure out how to create hypermats. <br>Since the available documentation doesn't go so deep on this particular subject, I could use some expertise from the users of this list. <br>
</p><p>Here is my current status: <br>I believe the key for what I need is a <br>CreateVar(..., MATRIX_ORIENTED_TYPED_LIST_DATATYPE, ...) <br>followed by something like <br>CreateListCVarFrom(..., MATRIX_OF_DOUBLE_DATATYPE, ...) <br>
However, I can't figure out how to properly "integrate" both function calls to have the expected behaviour. <br>I'm not even sure neither if they are the correct API calls or if I'm just missing some other API call. <br>
</p><p>Any insights? Perhaps some clean, short code snippet?<br>Thanks in andvance, <br>Marcos Slomp</p></span>