Hi, I'm trying to make some parallel computing with scilab, I have an Intel Core Duo machine. For this, I open 2 sessions of scilab ans execute the pvm_start, pvm_send, pvm_recv commands in the following way:<br><br>session1:<br>
<br>-->pvm_start()<br>Warning: PVM_ROOT is set to C:\ARCHIV~1\SCILAB~1.2\pvm3<br> but there exists no configuration file:<br> C:\Documents and Settings\Lobo Estepario/.pvmd.conf<br>The standard configuration file $SCI/.pvmd.conf will be used.<br>
With SCI=C:/ARCHIV~1/SCILAB~1.2<br> SCI will have to be set on remote hosts<br> in order to spawn scilab<br> ans =<br><br> - 28. <br><br>-->me=pvm_mytid()<br> me =<br><br> 262149<br><br>
session2:<br><br>Startup execution:<br> loading initial environment<br><br>-->pvm_start<br>Warning: PVM_ROOT is set to C:\ARCHIV~1\SCILAB~1.2\pvm3<br> but there exists no configuration file:<br> C:\Documents and Settings\Lobo Estepario/.pvmd.conf<br>
The standard configuration file $SCI/.pvmd.conf will be used.<br> With SCI=C:/ARCHIV~1/SCILAB~1.2<br> SCI will have to be set on remote hosts<br> in order to spawn scilab<br> ans =<br><br> - 28.<br>
<br>-->me=pvm_mytid()<br> me =<br><br> 262150<br><br>session 1:<br><br>-->m=rand(3,3);<br><br>-->pvm_send(m,262150,1)<br> !--error 999<br>pvm_send: first argument should be a row vector<br>
<br><br>-->help();<br><br>-->pvm_send(262150,m,1)<br> ans =<br><br> 0. <br><br>session2:<br><br>-->[m,info]=pvm_recv(262149,1)<br> info =<br><br> 0.<br><br>-->m<br> !--error 4<br>undefined variable : m<br>
<br>I suppose that the correct result of this is that m in the session2 recieve the values of the matrix created on session1, but it is not... can you help me please?,<br><br>tanks in advance<br clear="all"><br>
Saludos<br><br>Alfredo Jaramillo Palma<br>Estudiante Ing. Matemática<br>Universidad De La Frontera<br>IX Región, Chile<br>