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Trees of activable items (with callbacks) are a new and very nice<br>
item available for Scilab > 5.1.1.<br>
4 functions are useful for building, displaying and printing trees:<br>
createNode(), createTree(), dumpTree(), and displaytree().<br>
After trying these functions, some remarks might be done,<br>
as well as some questions remain. <br>
IMO, there are too numerous to be posted as individual <br>
bug+resquest reports, and since posting several questions<br>
in a single report is not correct, a post for discussion in the<br>
newsgroup is preferred (at least as a first step).<br>
* About <b>functions names</b> : <br>
IMO, capitalising the N in createNode() etc is a very good idea, <br>
to make functions names more readable.<br>
Unfortunately, this is very exceptional in Scilab (so we have<br>
for instance <i>getinstalledlookandfeels()</i>, that looks not so
than if it would have been <i>getInstalledLookAndFeels()</i> ).<br>
So, we should expect <i>displayTree()</i> instead of <i>displaytree()</i>.<br>
Or, as a worse but more regular naming, createnode() instead of<br>
createNode(), etc.<br>
* About <b>help pages </b>: <br>
for createTree() : The last line of the example should be<br>
treeRoot = createTree( root, treeNode1, node2, treeNode3)<br>
instead of<br>
treeRoot = createTree( root, node1, node2, node3)<br>
Same thing in the example given for displaytree().<br>
(Bug just posted)<br>
<img src="cid:part1.09090809.03080306@univ-lemans.fr" alt=""><br>
* About <b>CreateTree()</b> : This is the "branching function".<br>
It would be usefull to add a second argument (scalar boolean) <br>
for specifying whether the branched node should by default <br>
be developped (so displaying the downstream tree) or not.<br>
* About <b>displaytree() </b>:<br>
returns an undocumented value, that looks simply the tree's<br>
handle passed in argument. Unfortunately, <br>
- no handle is returned for the window displaying the tree.<br>
- winlist() does not list the new window<br>
- it is possible neither to modify (naming, sizing, locating, <br>
foreground & background-colorizing etc) nor to delete the <br>
window with a script (or even by hand (except resizing and<br>
* a new <b>foldTree(</b>tree [, unfolded [, maxDepth] ) function could
be <br>
usefull, to post-fold or post-develop a (sub)tree after displaying
The first argument could be either a single tree handle, or a list <br>
of handles. <i>unfolded</i> could be either a boolean (for
assigning status),<br>
or -1 (to switch trees' status)<br>
Since Scilab 5.2 has not yet been released, these rems & ideas
cannot <br>
make an official Scilab Enhancement Proposal :-) <br>
(moreover, SEP have to be posted on the dev-list, while all users may <br>
discuss this here).<br>
Expecting your comments,<br>