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<br><br>> From: sylvestre.ledru@scilab.org<br>> To: users@lists.scilab.org<br>> Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 11:08:15 +0100<br>> Subject: RE: [scilab-Users] modelicac<br>> <br>> Replying to myself,<br>> <br>> > > <br>> > > and yet it sends an error:<br>> > > "Please install the Modelica translator (available at www.scicos.org)<br>> > > in "SCI/bin" and try again"<br>> > When do you get this message ?<br>> > (ie, what are the step to reproduce it)<br>> I have been able to reproduce it.<br>> <br>> The error message is wrong. You have a real feedback in the Scilab<br>> console or the error box.<br>> For example, you could have something like:<br>> Fatal error: exception Failure("perform_hungarian_method: jacobian is<br>> structurally singular")<br>> <br>> Sylvestre<br>> <br>> Yes the error is:<br>Modelica code generated at /tmp/SD_29145_/imppart_tran7sine.mo<br>Fatal error: exception Failure("read_class_File: Class Pin not found")<br><br>Doug<br> </body>