function html2xml(filein,fileout) disp(fileout) //copyfile('C:\Documents and Settings\grocer\Mes documents\eric\grocer\documentation\dtd.xml',fileout) v=read(filein,-1,1,'(a)') sl=strindex(filein,'/') name=part(filein,sl+1:length(filein)-4) nlines=size(v,1) d=date() // replacements to keep the paragraphs when defined by

and to have clean blanks v=strsubst(v,'


') v=strsubst(v,' ',' ') v=strsubst(v,' ',' ') v=strsubst(v,ascii(9),' ') // eliminate all unnecessary commands v=strsubst(v,'

','') v=strsubst(v,'

','') v=strsubst(v,'

','') v=strsubst(v,'','') v=strsubst(v,'','') v=strsubst(v,'','') v=strsubst(v,'','') v=strsubst(v,'','') v=strsubst(v,'','') // replace specific chars with their xml code v=strsubst(v,'<','<') v=strsubst(v,'>','>') v=strsubst(v,'²','ª') v=strsubst(v,'°','°') v=strsubst(v,'°','º') v=strsubst(v,'& ','and ') v=strsubst(v,'...','…') v=strsubst(v,',..,',',…,') v=strsubst(v,'ï','ï') v=strsubst(v,'ü','ü') v=strsubst(v,'·','.') v=strsubst(v,'


') v=strsubst(v,'


') v=strsubst(v,'


') v=strsubst(v,'


') v=strsubst(v,'


') indexample=[] indname=[] indinput=[] indoutput=[] for i=1:nlines vi=v(i) if ~isempty(strindex(vi,'<li>')) then v(i)=strsubst(vi,'<li>','')+'' end end for i=nlines:-1:1 vi=v(i) if v(i) == '' then v(i) = ''+v(i+1)+'' v(i+1)=[] end end nlines=size(v,1) for i=1:nlines vi=v(i) v(i)=strsubst(vi,'</u>','') v(i)=strsubst(vi,'<u>','') if ~isempty(strindex(vi,'<p>')) then v(i)=strsubst(v(i),'<p>','')+' ' end if ~isempty(strindex(convstr(vi),'name')) then indname=[indname i] end if ~isempty(strindex(convstr(vi),'calling')) then indcalling=i+1 end if ~isempty(strindex(convstr(vi),'input')) then indinput=[indinput ;i] end if ~isempty(strindex(convstr(vi),'output')) then indoutput=[indoutput ;i] end if ~isempty(strindex(convstr(vi),'parameters')) then indparameters=i end if ~isempty(strindex(convstr(vi),'description')) then inddes=i end if ~isempty(strindex(convstr(vi),'example')) then indexample=[indexample i] end if ~isempty(strindex(convstr(vi),'author')) then indauthor=i end while strindex(v(i),'<p>') == 1 then v(i)=part(v(i),10:length(vi)) end end if ~isempty(indname) then i=find(convstr(v) == 'name') vj_clean = strsubst(v(i+1),'<br>','') ind_dash=strindex(vj_clean,'-') name_foo=strsubst(part(vj_clean,1:ind_dash(1)-1),' ','') shortdes_foo=stripblanks(part(v(i+1),ind_dash(1)+1:length(vj_clean))) end ind = find(indexample>inddes) indexample=indexample(ind(1)) v=strsubst(v,'<br>','') vparam_in=v(indinput(1)+1:indoutput(1)-1) vparam_out=v(indoutput(1)+1:inddes-1) for i=1:size(vparam_in,1) if isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'')) then vparam_in(i)=''+vparam_in(i) end if isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'')) then vparam_in(i)=vparam_in(i)+'' end if isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'')) then vparam_in(i)=''+vparam_in(i) end if isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'')) then vparam_in(i)=vparam_in(i)+'' end // end end for i=1:size(vparam_out,1) if isempty(strindex(vparam_out(i),'')) then vparam_out(i)=''+vparam_out(i) end if isempty(strindex(vparam_out(i),'')) then vparam_out(i)=vparam_out(i)+'' end if isempty(strindex(vparam_out(i),'')) then vparam_out(i)=''+vparam_out(i) end if isempty(strindex(vparam_out(i),'')) then vparam_out(i)=vparam_out(i)+'' end end vparam_in=strsubst(vparam_in,'','• ') vparam_in=strsubst(vparam_in,'• ','• ') vparam_out=strsubst(vparam_out,'','• ') vparam_out=strsubst(vparam_out,'•','• ') for i=1:size(vparam_in,1) vparam_aux=strsubst(vparam_in(i),' ','') if ~isempty(strindex(vparam_aux,'•.')) then vparam_in(i)=strsubst(vparam_in(i),'•','') vparam_in(i)=strsubst(vparam_in(i),' .',' *') vparam_in(i)=strsubst(vparam_in(i),' ',' ') end if strindex(vparam_aux,'•*') == 1 ... | strindex(vparam_aux,'•-') == 1 then vparam_in(i)=strsubst(vparam_in(i),' ',' ') vparam_in(i)=strsubst(vparam_in(i),'•','') end if vparam_aux == '' then vparam_in(i)=' ' end // deal with specific cases if ~isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'e.g. 1 (first 2 observations for individual # 1)')) |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'      1')) |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'      2')) |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'      3')) |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'the names of FR, FS, AR and AS represent')) |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'(default: thet=1)')) |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'WARNING:')) |... vparam_aux == 'where:' |... vparam_aux == 'or:' |... vparam_aux == '&133;' |... vparam_aux == 'withk%lt;=p'|... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'Ex: If y(t)')) |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'or, and only if y ')) |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'(default = chol1)')) |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_in(i),'(default = asym)')) then vparam_in(i)=strsubst(vparam_in(i),'•','') end end for i=1:size(vparam_out,1) vparam_aux=strsubst(vparam_out(i),' ','') if ~isempty(strindex(vparam_aux,'•.')) then vparam_out(i)=strsubst(vparam_out(i),'•','') vparam_out(i)=strsubst(vparam_out(i),' ',' ') vparam_out(i)=strsubst(vparam_out(i),'. ','* ') end if strindex(vparam_aux,'•*') == 1 ... | strindex(vparam_aux,'•-') == 1 then vparam_out(i)=strsubst(vparam_out(i),'•',' ') vparam_out(i)=strsubst(vparam_out(i),'•','') end if vparam_aux == '' then vparam_out(i)=' ' end if vparam_aux == 'nothing' then vparam_out(i)=strsubst(vparam_out(i),'nothing','nothing') end // deal with specific cases if ~isempty(strindex(vparam_out(i),'(I + AR1.B +')) |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_out(i),'= (G0 + G1.B +')) |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_out(i),'(I + MA1.B +')) |... (~isempty(strindex(vparam_out(i),'(''overallf'')')) &... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_out(i),'with:')) ) | ... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_out(i),' = ''dfp'', ''bfgs'', ''gn'', ')) | ... vparam_out(i) == '•and' |... vparam_out(i) == '•…' |... ~isempty(strindex(vparam_out(i),'with Var(a(t)) = V')) then vparam_out(i)=strsubst(vparam_out(i),'•','') end end vout=[ ''; ''; ' '; ' $LastChangedDate:'+d+'$' ; ' '; ' '; ' '+name_foo+'' ; ' '+shortdes_foo+' '; ' '; ' ' ; ' '; ' CALLING SEQUENCE'; ' '+v(indcalling)+''; ' '; ' ' ; ' '; ' PARAMETERS' ; ' ' ; ' ' ; ' ' ; ' Input' ; vparam_in ; ' ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' ; ' Output' ; vparam_out ; ' ' ; ' ' ; ' '; ' ' ] if ~isempty(indexample) then vdesc=v(inddes+1:indexample(1)-1) vdesc=strsubst(vdesc,'','') vdesc=strsubst(vdesc,'','') vexample=v(indexample(1)+1:indauthor-1) vexample=strsubst(vexample,'','') vexample=strsubst(vexample,'','') vexample=strsubst(vexample,'','') for i=size(vexample,1):-1:1 if ~isempty(strindex(vexample(i),'')) then vexample=[vexample(1:i-1) ; ' '; strsubst(vexample(i),'','') ; vexample(i+1:$)] end end vout=[vout; ' '; ' DESCRIPTION'; vdesc ; ' '; ' '; ' '; ' EXAMPLE'; ' ' ' '; ' ' ] else vdesc=v(inddes+1:indauthor-1) vdesc=strsubst(vdesc,'','') vdesc=strsubst(vdesc,'','') vout=[vout; ' '; ' DESCRIPTION'; vdesc ; ' '; ' ' ] end vauthor=v(indauthor+1) vout=[vout; ' '; ' AUTHOR'; vauthor ; ' '; '' ] [fd,err]=mopen(fileout,'w') mputl(vout,fd) mclose(fd) endfunction